The "outgoing" sister
Perhaps the scariest thing I learned about my sister is - I am the outgoing one! It is interesting, she is such a social person - she hated living out in the country because there were no people - I loved it because there were no people. I never went to school dances, she went to almost all of them. I never talked on the phone, she never would get off the phone. She is on several sports teams, I have no desire to be part of a team. I spent Christmas day this year happily alone with 20 straight hours of Star Trek movies, and that would have been way too much "alone time" for her, and far too much star trek .
Yet...I impressed her last week, by giving a congratulations speech on her engagement. I didn't say all that much, but my mouth didn't fail me for whatever reason for a change (I less gave it to a group, and more just spoke to my sister, with of course whom I am most familiar talking to, although my knees were knocking so badly that I thought I was going to collapse). She tells me later, that she has a lot of trouble speaking in groups, and that all her friends consider her "quiet". Granted, I push myself to speak, even though my natural setting is stealth mode, but she is more social than I am I would have thought she would have less problems. Apparently I impressed her friends as well. Years ago certainly I wouldn't have done that - obviously I have pushed myself through some of my own boundaries, further than I realized.
This is just a first. I am the "outgoing" one, LOL!
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"
congrats man on your sis getting married!
and as I remember, one can be "extroverted" BUT introverted, that is, you can see people that are "the soul of the party", but at the same time you know very little about them (introverted). I know lots of people that are like that.
Don't know correct english words but hope I explained myself.
where's the parttayyyyyy!! !! !
One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.