I have changed more this year than any other year on my life, maybe even more than over a couple years. I learned serious nunchaku moves and techniques, (currently I know thirty!
) I lost a lot of weight, (currently about forty pounds) I learned who I am, I got a steady job, I learned how to try and be less awkward and shy around new people, I became an expert on nutrition and diets, and I have been happier more consistently than any point in my life.
I feel like this site can be like a diary of sorts and I can share anything about myself here, I will make posts related to that specifically later but for now I would just like to express my new years resolutions.
1. I want to lose more weight and pick-up where I left off on my martial arts training.
2. I want to start a nunchaku (nunchucks) tournament for Alaska and win, there will be a style competition for visual performance and a combat competition/tournament for practical uses of nunchaku as a weapon. (one versus one using a point system for strikes)
3. I want to win a Super Smash Bros. tournament, I have won small time tournaments but I want to win a big one. (We have about half a dozen Smash Bros. tournaments a year)
4. I want to meet some fellow Alaskan aspies close to my age, my friend has AS but he is twenty-one and he is already my friend and I wouldn't want to date him.
5. I want to make a fixed schedule for myself all year round, martial arts and nunchaku in the summer starting May 1st because that's when it starts getting nice in Alaska, and video games in the winter starting September like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Active Life: Outdoor Challenge, Animal Crossing: City Folk, My Japanese Coach, and maybe some more of the My Coach games to learn other languages. Purpose of video games mentioned listed in order: competition, excercise, relaxation, learning. I have become less and less interested in video games so I want to make sure I keep at it because I want to remain a gamer.
That is quite a bit but seeing as I have already accomplished so much I want to try and really go for it!
I'm an aspie and wouldn't have it any other way.
- My own words.
I have an addiction to my affliction. - My own words
I Want To Become Stronger...
... Than I Was Yesterday!! !! - The words in my avatar picture.