Bradleigh wrote:
I guess I do, but I still am I think, well 18 is still teen, but you dont see many teens who have a cool mustache and pointed chin goatie, my mum cleaned it up so it is not just a mess right now. But I seemed to have had oddly good facial for someone my age, I have had people say it only grows on their neck and realy messy but, mine has probably made it a bit strange.
Then you`re way ahead of me

i have
the mustache and chin growth, but i`m
smooth as a baby except that
kinda weird and it has bothered me
earlier - But, then i saw an interview
with Johnny Depp talking about how
bad he felt that he had so little facial
hair growth - not comparing myself
to him in any way, but i think if one
of the biggest hunks alive today also
have this growth-issue then it sounds
less annoying in a way
And some girls seem to like smooth hairless
guys, so its not all bad i guess. When it comes
to bodyhair i`m very happy to be smooth,
have no need for a fuzzy hairy chest, its not me
at all.