Just recently I did a lot of restructuring in my house. I used a lot of muscle. But NEVER do this: I fell asleep on the couch after a day of heavy lifting and woke up to realize I was in an awkward position. I was too exhausted to put myself in a regular bed and spent the night on the couch in that funky position. WELLLL....when I tried to get up off the couch, I couldn't move!
I had to scoot off the couch and on to the floor and then try to stand. The PAIN was so unbearable, that I was hollaring and felt like I was going to vomit. I was actually sweating and it was downright cold and clammy in the house. I made this mistake before and had to put up with pain in my lower back for about a week. That hurt too but nothing like this time. This time it was my upper back. I had to sleep sitting up with a lot of pillows supporting me because if I layed flat in a bed, I would experience AGONIZING pain just to get up to take a pee. What hell!! NEVER DO THIS TO YOURSELF! I don't know what this is called but it sure DOES HURT! I freakin' knew this was going to happen but was too tired to do anything about it and figured,,,ahhh, I'll be alright....then I ended up screaming like a wounded animal. My husband and kids thought I broke some bones. I never want to feel pain like that ever again ! Here's another thing: If you ever wake up in the middle of the night, NEVER flex your foot with the toes pointing forward, you will see stars because your calf muscle will hurt SO BAD! Once, my legs felt stiff, so I did just that and saw stars! But nothing can top the pain I experienced in my upper back. So when you work out or use your muscles a lot, go straight to bed and sleep like a human being.