MONKEY wrote:
does anyone have a phobia, like a bad PHOBIA phobia sort of thing? and if so, how do you react when facing the phobia?
I do, my phobia is sick, people throwing up and myself (although I haven't been ill sinse I was 9)
This is a pretty bad one because I get really paranoid at BBQs because I think the meat is undercooked and I'll/someone will get food poisoning.
If I see someone I know throwing up I shake, cry, curl up in a ball, lose my appetite for the whole day, get moody for whole day, I go completely crackers.
I heard that the proper word for a sick phobia is "emetophobia"
I mentioned it in an earlier thread, it happens that I am most afraid of vomiting myself. I don't panic when I see others vomit (or at least I think I don't. It doesn't happen often), but two weeks ago I had the flu, and I had to throw up. I first threw up twice and I actually thought I had finally beaten my fear of vomiting because it didn't feel that terrible. But then I had to vomit again, and again and again, and I panicked anyway. I had to call my mother even though I'm almost 22, and she had to be there while I calmed down.
I've had this ever since I was very ill when I was 14 years old.
EDIT: I want to rationalise it, but I can't get the control over my body when this happens to me. I even cramp up. It infuriates me that I can't face that fear down (or rather, I've failed thus far).
clarity of thought before rashness of action