velodog wrote:
Interesting article. Sometimes I try to take a book to work to read at break times. Something about that seems to provide a challenge to others, on a subliminal level, to make sure I get damn little reading done. As a consequence where I used to read something like A Tale of Two Cities in an afternoon, or The Stand in a couple of days, it now takes sometimes weeks to finish a 300 page book because my ability to focus has been knocked out of whack by too much exposure to people like that.
A typical break room conversation ( one sided ) "Hey, you reading a book huh?" Yeah "I did that once, I think it had a monkey named George in it." That's nice "Well now that lunch is just about over I'll let you read your book"
Short of getting obnoxious to the point of looking like a rude jerk to the other non literate crew members, and risking going to the top of the layoff list, there is nothing to be done about this cretinous behavior since the likely hood of having management and co workers who get the idea that reading something other than the instructions on microwave popcorn has any benefit is close to nil.
Oh yes,
why oh
why do people feel they
must ask you what you are reading and if the book is good and what it is about. This REALLY annoys me. Even worse is when they just push the book towards you so they can read the cover. What makes people think they have the right to do that. No one goes up to people with a portable gaming device and without asking twists it round to see what game they're playing. ARGH! Sorry. Rant (just about) over!
I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept
Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)