Ana54 wrote:
1. It's against my principles to save people who want to die. I want to respect all my patients' wishes. So I'd have a MAJOR problem saving people who had tried to kill themselves unless they told me that now they wanted to live...
What do you think?
If someone was mentally ill, and was going to attack or injure another person, would you think it was your duty to intervene, to treat the mentally ill person and to prevent harm to others?
Well, I think it's a similar thing in terms of many people who try to commit suicide. Lots of people attempt it because they are suffering from psychiatric conditions such as depression. Surely, the mentally ill person needs to be treated to protect and save the 'other' person (even if the 'other' is in fact within the same body, is another facet of that person's personality/character kind of thing).
It's arguable that most people who try to commit suicide are not of sound mind and not in any fit state to make such a decision. (I'm not talking here about terminally ill people and euthanasia/assisted suicide in those specific circumstances).