Strength: 5. I'm friggin' WEAK from a physical standpoint.
Dexterity: 14. I'm quite flexible, and can bend my body in many ways. The limit is stuff that requires strength.
Constitution: 4. I can be physically damaged quite easily, and I don't take that kind of pain well due to sensory defensiveness.
Intelligence: 16 (assuming this is the "booksmart" type of intelligence). I'm one of those guys who always does really well in school and is usually regarded as the "smart guy." This would be higher, but there are many categories of intelligence that I'm REALLY not good at.
Wisdom: 14. I have a moderately strong will, and I'm not usually one to do something that I know I shouldn't do, but I am emotionally fragile. When I break and flip out, it is very difficult for me to control myself.
Charisma: 10. I can be charming and funny under certain circumstances, and some people think I'm very good looking, but I'm hopelessly insecure and awkward. Also, I stutter, and the aforementioned emotional fragility can make me very unattractive.