Having longed for a different body (a girl's) all my life, I finally came to the realization that it could be had.
All I have to do is convince a couple of therapists (one must be an M.D.) to write letters stating that I am indeed a good candidate for GRS (Gender Reassignment Surgery), and pass them on to one of the many surgeons in the world who do this type of surgery... oh... and pay tens-of-thousands of dollars to do the vaginoplasty along with FFS (feminine facial surgery) and whatever else I might 'need' to pass
Anyway, I do know people who have had their surgeries and taken their hormones and now live as the opposite gender they were raised as and seem to be VERY happy and content with life.
For me though, I find I need to explore these feelings I've hidden all my life, before I move on in any direction.
I do not want to be a woman... I have always just felt I was supposed to have a different body and be able to express both a feminine as well as masculine 'side' of me... hard to explain really.
I have to decide between these feelings, feelings of wanting to make other people happy (who would not want me to go forward with surgery or hormones), and what this whole business of gender means to me.
Although this is not the same as having cosmetic surgery to change my nose, or lift my eyelids, some people do see it as the same thing.
I'll keep working out my feelings and understanding about all this, but I do believe as do many of you, that there are people who do not think much about what they are having done to their bodies before going under the knife.
While what I have been debating in my life may be much more serious than a 'simple' tummy-tuck, I still believe it is important for anyone having body mod's done to have given it a lot of thought.
After that, if they still feel the need to do it... more power to them.
I do not judge people by the surgeries they have had or wish to have.
Even Michael Jackson.
I've watched him go from 'Little Michael Jackson' to the 'Jocko' you all mention here.
While I may wonder why he has done the things to himself that he seems to have had done, I do not have any reason to disparage him for it.
Same thing with tatooing or other body mods.
I'm not sure if many of you are aware of the variety of body mods going on in Western society these days, but it's quite interesting and perhaps to some of you.. quite disturbing.
Some of them are to me anyway.
Human beings have a history of modifying their bodies through permanent physical means.
Nothing new about that.
Just the techniques and the types of mods are different... I'm sure the reasons have always been as varied as they are today.
fides solus
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