I hope someone knows about squirrels. I know the right thing to do is usually let nature take its course, but I looked out my window and saw this teeny little squirrel toddling through the grass, looking very unstable and lost. He kept stopping and resting, looking exhausted. When I looked back again, he was right on the sidewalk in front of my house. I couldn't just leave him there to die of exposure and whatnot, right outside my kitchen window.
I called the animal shelter, but it's after hours. So, I put on some gardening gloves, and scooped him up in a towel, and put him in a little box. He's curled up in the little homemade "nest", sleeping, outside. (I can tell he's not dead, because he's breathing.)
He's old enough to have fur, and open eyes. In fact, he's bigger than a hamster, and maybe the size of a guinea pig, although I haven't seen one of those in a while. Curled up in a ball, he's about the size of a medium orange.
I dipped a washcloth into some milk to see if he was interested, but he's just sleeping.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'd like to at least be able to take care of him through the night until the animal shelter opens. Then again, he's a wild animal, so perhaps they don't do anything there. Why did he have to end up right outside my house like that?