iMark wrote:
any employee should be paid whatever he or she can negotiate as long as the company can afford it. if i were negotiating for a ceo position i would try to get the highest possible salary with the fewest possible responsibilities and a large severence package at the end of the contract - larger still if i am fired.
any ceo search committe worth its own pay would see that as a plan for corporate disaster. failure to do so says a lot about the people that screen and hire their ceo's.
Which is why, given those criteria and priorities, I would never hire such a person to run my company. You're right, in that it is incumbent upon those hiring to do a better job... however, when a system is left open to abuse, and the nature of fear is utilized, then there will be those who take and take and take.
My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.
For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.
So long, and thanks for all the fish!