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19 Feb 2009, 9:08 am

Cade wrote:
A bheil duine sam bith an-seo bruidhnidh Gàidhlig? Tha mi ag ionnsachadh agus tha mi ann an clas eadar-meadheanach aig Acadamaidh Gàidhlig an Atlantaig ann an New Brunswich. Gabh mi an clas air an eadarlìon tro Skype on a tha mi a' fuireach an ann Texas an Iar.

Tha fios agam gum bheil beagan buill Wrong Planet às Alba 's à Canada ann an-seo, ach cha gabh mi a' coinneachadh duine le Gàidhlig air fhathast. Mar sin, ma a tha Gàidhlig agat bruidhinn rium, mas e do thoil e!

Tha mi duilich ma nach eil Gàidhlig agam glè chliste - thoiseach mi ri Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh a-mhàin ann an Dùbhlachd an-uiridh. :D

Dia duit! :D

Tá brón orm, níl Alba (?) Gaeilge agam, ach cúpla focal Éireannach (?) Gaeilge.
Is mise Anne, tá mé i mo chónaí in Aarhus, an Danmhairg.

What I know about the Irish language isn't more than some pieces and fragments, some sentences, words, song texts and a bit of grammar. Because of an interest in Irish music and songs I tried to find translations to Irish songtexts. In my search I found a translation forum , which I found very interesting and began to read on, and at a moment log in and write on too. It's long time ago I've been there though.

The Irish language might have become a bit of an obsession to me I guess. :wink: But it's not really like that now, though it's still interesting.

BTW I recognise some of the Scottish Gaelic words anyway, like: Tha fios agam = tá a fhios agam = I know. Or duine = people, and some other small words.

Slán! :)


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08 Aug 2009, 11:46 pm

Halo, Anna. I haven't been here for several months, so sorry for the late reply.

Irish and Scottish Gaelic are closely related (Manx Gaelic too). Welsh, Breton and Cornish are in a different branch of Celtic languages and so they are less similar to Gaelic. Supposedly, fluent Gàidhilg speakers can understand some Northern dialects of Gaeilge na h-Èireann (Irish), but the spelling and grammar can be very different. I've only been studying Gàidhlig for about 18 months, and even though I'm starting the advanced class soon, I'm far from fluent. Aside froman occasional word, I can't understand any Irish.

Scottish Gaelic was a very intense obsession for me which is why I advanced so quickly. But admittedly my intense has simmered down a little, but I keep it up, because it's a very enjoyable language. Plus, I have no social life, being an Aspie and all--my online Gaelic classes and Skype study sessions keep me from wallowing utter loneliness sometimes!