poopylungstuffing wrote:
My cycle has been driving me insane...as soon as it's over it starts again.
It lasts forever....12 days at least....Not a lot of pain..but really bad mood issues...also, it seems to come in phases so it seems like I have 2 periods in a row...really light for a few days then REALLY heavy..and then it will seem almost like it is gone...and then it comes back....
It is driving me crazy bonkers...
Poopy, you need to go see a gynaecologist. It may be nothing, but if you are bleeding in between periods, that can be a sign of a serious underlying disease. You should also get your bloods checked for anaemia.
If after you are examined, there doesn't appear to be any cause (as in 60% of cases), you have several options (your doctor will explain these better; I'm just rattling them off for revision purposes!);
Non surgical options involve the oral contraceptive pill, progestagon pill and the Mirena coil (this is an intra-uterine device which contains similar hormones to the pill and lasts for 5 years).
As a last resort, surgical options include hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and myomectomy (this only removes certain layers of the uterus, meanins that you could still have children if you wanted).
If you like, I can PM you one of the lectures I was given on menorrhagia (heavy periods).