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11 May 2010, 10:42 am

PMS seems to be a different animal entirely for me than it appears to be for NT women. I have full blown tantrums almost every month no matter how hard I try to control myself and over the most insignificant things too. Sometimes, I get so obsessed with identifying the source of my rage that I turn on my husband in an unbecoming way that hurts both of us. I am disturbed and disappointed by my behavior to say the least. Sometimes, if I go for a run every day for a week before my period, I can avoid the inevitable, but it's hard to find time to run that much. Does anyone else feel that PMS is a different set of issues for women with AS than for NT women?


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11 May 2010, 10:47 am


It was during one of those rages that I smashed in my computer screen with my fist...

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11 May 2010, 3:39 pm

I have just started down that takes up half the month...I also used to notice that I would frequently have meltdowns directly after my period....
I am very bad about verbally going off on people...I feel really badly about it afterwards, but then I can't undo it..thus further alienating myself from everybody... :roll:


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11 May 2010, 4:56 pm

poopylungstuffing wrote:
I have just started down that takes up half the month...I also used to notice that I would frequently have meltdowns directly after my period....
I am very bad about verbally going off on people...I feel really badly about it afterwards, but then I can't undo it..thus further alienating myself from everybody... :roll:

I understand, it totally sucks. I feel healthy and strong all the time in the first half of a cycle then get all sorts of horrid symptoms in the second one. Motor skills messed up, easily angered, cranky, hypoglycemic every two minutes. At least I think it's hypoglycemia. I feel better if I have a hit of sugar.

And I get this thing at mid-cycle where either my uterus or cervix seems to spasm into a hard enlarged knot, and I feel my core muscles pulling at it every time I f*****g move. Like it seems to be catching in the muscle wall somehow, especially on any side-to-side movement. It hurts, and is a f*****g horrid feeling.

Screw being female. I don't want to have a baby, and I hate that my body is trying to have a baby against my will. Not only that, I get to have my body undergo a bunch of horrid changes every month so I can have a baby, which I don't want. Vlech. Puke. Die.

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11 May 2010, 7:13 pm

And I get this thing at mid-cycle where either my uterus or cervix seems to spasm into a hard enlarged knot, and I feel my core muscles pulling at it every time I f***ing move. Like it seems to be catching in the muscle wall somehow, especially on any side-to-side movement. It hurts, and is a f***ing horrid feeling.

Do you think you might have endometriosis?

As for me, I have had a baby via C section, so I know exactly why I'm in pain every month or whenever I move in just the right way.


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20 May 2010, 5:18 am

I have very severe endometriosis, but the symptoms don't sound exactly like that. Uterus in a tight knot, yes, but not the feeling that it's catching on the muscle wall. Of course, not every case is the same -- my sister-in-law's middle sister has it too (we also both have polycystic ovaries) and her symptoms aren't nearly as bad as mine.

I actually rarely get PMS. The only "symptom" I have regularly is that people -- mainly guys -- tell me I smell really good! I figure it must be my pheremones saying, "Give me a baby NOW NOW NOW!" (Stupid pheremones, I want no baby!) Sometimes I crave salty things and/or chocolate. Sappy commercials are more likely to make me cry -- totally embarrassing! I'll relate something and my friends and husband will be like, "Are you crying?" Beyond that, though, I don't really have PMS symptoms.


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20 May 2010, 6:54 am

I don't throw tantrums but I do feel physically sick like I'm going to vomit along with the heavy fatigue and painful cramps. I've actually had to skip school and cancel a day off work because of this crap. What really gets me is I can't tell "them" why I don't want to see anyone or go anywhere. It's even more frustrating when a guy uses PMS against you.

Another reason why I wish I wasn't a female. >_<

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20 May 2010, 8:24 am

MissConstrue wrote:
I don't throw tantrums but I do feel physically sick like I'm going to vomit along with the heavy fatigue and painful cramps. I've actually had to skip school and cancel a day off work because of this crap. What really gets me is I can't tell "them" why I don't want to see anyone or go anywhere. It's even more frustrating when a guy uses PMS against you.

Another reason why I wish I wasn't a female. >_<

I get the nausea too, usually with really severe cramps.

Also get iron cravings and worse dizziness/head rush from standing than usual. I assume that would be anemia. Since it alleviates after a period, I don't worry too much about it...

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20 May 2010, 11:58 am

It was always different for me than NT-girls. They suffer, feel pain, complain, get angry... I feel nothing. Nothing at all.

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20 May 2010, 12:17 pm

Valoyossa wrote:
It was always different for me than NT-girls. They suffer, feel pain, complain, get angry... I feel nothing. Nothing at all.

Really? I'm jealous. I would love to feel healthy all the time not just 1st half of a menstrual cycle.

I hate my reproductive system.

I like to call it my devil parts...:D

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21 May 2010, 1:43 am

I continue to have what I can only describe as (2) periods a after the clockwork...and my cycle is very very just takes up more than half the month...I will have a stressful-irritable time, and then my period will start and I might only spot for a couple of days....but I think that in the interim, I become extremely spacey and absent-minded...THEN...a bit over a week later, the really serious pain and suffering kicks in....with another....stronger round of moodiness/dispair...etc....and the really serious bad cramping kicks in in my middle back and lower front....and I become extremely constipated and then all hell breaks loose and I bleed extremely heavily for several days....I am basically on the rag from the new moon till the full moon every month. Today has been my very bad day when I feel completely in a spasm with a tight knot in my middle the period leading up to it, I was having really bad pain in my upper back..hard to say though it if was mensy related....No lectures on my going to see a gynecologist please....I am absolutely terrified of going through that...I have no idea who I could see...The horror stories I have heard make me wonder why anyone goes at all.


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21 May 2010, 6:05 am

mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
Valoyossa wrote:
It was always different for me than NT-girls. They suffer, feel pain, complain, get angry... I feel nothing. Nothing at all.

Really? I'm jealous. I would love to feel healthy all the time not just 1st half of a menstrual cycle.

Really. I don't feel anything. I know about my period only because I see blood. Some girls stay at home during these days, some think they can't exercise. I can't see any problem and I do what I want. Swimmingpool? Why not!
But I also have very weak and short bleeding. I don't have Aenemia.
My sexual drives don't care about in which part of cycle I am. So the only difference is blood and nothing else.

I told in other thread that I'm hormonally neutral. Maybe it's the reason. My friend is very female and she feels her ovulation, has horrible pain and sea of blood.

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21 May 2010, 7:00 am

I probably have some sort of hormonal disorder..but I am not necc. oozing with estrogen or anything..My period was more "sneak attack" style when I was younger and I had trouble connecting with the various changes my body would go through every month. I was very androgynous until I started fact, I'd barely noticed ever hitting puberty. There is a big difference between me and really hyper feminine females.
This is just some dumb complicated stuff that is part of my physical aging and the fact that I can't have children..funfun


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21 May 2010, 8:11 pm

I have been easing the symptoms by using a diva cup..except I bought the wrong it leaks...because I got the one for women under 30 or who have never had children and I am over 30 and have never had children..

Lately I have started supplementing with Black cohosh, and I think maybe that helps with some of it...


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21 May 2010, 8:58 pm

mechanicalgirl39 wrote:

It was during one of those rages that I smashed in my computer screen with my fist...

8O What happened to your hand?!


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22 May 2010, 3:34 pm

RightGalaxy wrote:
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:

It was during one of those rages that I smashed in my computer screen with my fist...

8O What happened to your hand?!

My hand was bruised but otherwise okay. :D

My bones are made from hard stuff, apparently. I once punched a dent in a car door when I was angry. Hand was sore but no serious damage. 8O

'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)