poopylungstuffing wrote:
I have just started down that path....it takes up half the month...I also used to notice that I would frequently have meltdowns directly after my period....
I am very bad about verbally going off on people...I feel really badly about it afterwards, but then I can't undo it..thus further alienating myself from everybody...

I understand, it totally sucks. I feel healthy and strong all the time in the first half of a cycle then get all sorts of horrid symptoms in the second one. Motor skills messed up, easily angered, cranky, hypoglycemic every two minutes. At least I think it's hypoglycemia. I feel better if I have a hit of sugar.
And I get this thing at mid-cycle where either my uterus or cervix seems to spasm into a hard enlarged knot, and I feel my core muscles pulling at it every time I f*****g move. Like it seems to be catching in the muscle wall somehow, especially on any side-to-side movement. It hurts, and is a f*****g horrid feeling.
Screw being female. I don't want to have a baby, and I hate that my body is trying to have a baby against my will. Not only that, I get to have my body undergo a bunch of horrid changes every month so I can have a baby, which I don't want. Vlech. Puke. Die.
'You're so cold, but you feel alive
Lay your hands on me, one last time' (Breaking Benjamin)