funny i have reseacrhed a man..and i have anaemia....a form of anaemia called thallasaeimia.
taking iron supplements may not be the answer....
for women who lack iron on a regular monthlu basis, iron may help, but it is hte bodies ability to assimilate this iron intot he red blood cell. that makes circulating levels of iron effective.
iron supplements have the word iron written on them, but a lot of them like a poster ha ssaid...arent absorbed very well and th e bioavailability of iron is impotrtant, not how much you take...the availability of iron can be related to how it is taken, what it is taken with, if it is chelated, and how it is assimilated into the haem molecule to make haemoglobin..too much iron can cause haemasidderossis, a condition of the liver.
any one i could go on about this as it has been an obsession in the past......but i will say this....nutritionst will give you the text book stuff that somene here allready has...see a haematologist...u may spell it different in your country, but someone who can talk about blood and bioavailabitiy of iron and iron absorption and assimilation..there is a lot of variotion between species (im a vet)and within a species.....most women do have this problem yes, but see a haematologist to get the advice on if it is just monthly anemia, or something else going on.....low iron can be due to blood loss, which occurs periodically in wokmen...can also be due to a low production of rbc's which can be due to low bioavailabitily of iron or other factors.......sorry long response, but it is not a small thing you ask and it has been a prior obsession of mine..nutrient levels of vitamins, supplement sn dminerals in peformcance animals (horses and greyhounds)