Haha yeah I'm really girly, I have had dolls when younger, played polly pocket, my little pony, refused to wear green, blue and black when I was younger as they were "boys" colours ( with much screaming involved hehehe) Love flowers and pretty things, and HAVE to look presentable at all times even when camping out in middle of nowhere- floral is awesome in a fashionable way, and I love Middle Eastern scarves, purple and pink. I'm as girly as they come!! !
And also:
I don't even get why "girly" means wearing make-up. Most of the females in my family don't wear any make-up and rarely wear skirts, but (unlike me) they're noticeably feminine. And I'm the one with the long hair.
haha yeah, too true!! My little sis reckons she is the height of fashion as wears make up and straightens hair etc, but I'm the one with hair down to middle of back!! !
I dislike thestereotypical thought that being an Autie means you have little care about appearance- I thinks that's personal preference in everyone myself, not just us on the AS.