I don't know about you, but for some reason, I like the idea of chivalry... however, I do see where you are all coming from...
Of course I know that I am capable and intellegent and can hold my own decently, yet at the same time, there is that white knight who is willing to stand up for me, defend me, and respect me whenever I am in need, which, to be honest, I am definitely not invincible and when I need help, I want a guy to help me. Of course, he also must be able to admit his wrongs when necessary and feel comfortable turning to me for advice,
However, there is a dark side to chivalry when it was at it's height in the Middle Ages where if a knight rescues a woman, he can do pretty much whatever he wants with her, whether it is marriage or sex. Though I could be wrong, but I think that aspect was often kept on the low if I recall, either way, that is disrespectful to woman, especially if he is not listening to her wishes and forcing her into marriage like that, but what can I say?
But I think the intention was to glorify woman and set them on a pedestal, they were like goddesses to knights which I think isn't bad in of itself...
Still... I think chivalry still exists, it just is forgotten, but not dead. However, it is now not enough for a guy to respect women, but also to UNDERSTAND AND RESPECT women. I would rather be understood rather than simply treated nicely because otherwise, what he might see as a nice gesture like sitting by me when I'm alone, even though I intentionally want to be alone because I need peace and quiet would totally backfire and throw me off the edge. The proper thing to do that I would see as respectful is to leave me alone.