I'm super sensetive to some medications. Last fall I took Amoxicillian longer than usual since I was so sick and broke out in hives from head to toe. One psych med made me hallucinate (saw water coming out of the wall) and I went off it the next day (by order of medical doctor) since it also made me very hostile. Prozac almost made me kill myself.
I also suffer from severe migraine headaches which are triggered by certain foods, which is why I have to watch every little thing I put in my mouth. Not to mention read every single label, which sometimes makes my anorexia worse.
My triggers are: MSG, Sodium Citrates, Sodium Nitrates, BHA, BHT, TBHQ and a few others. And anything processed.
"Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, and I'll understand". ~Chinese proverb