Any Other People Have Food Allergies Drug Sensitivities?

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03 Apr 2011, 2:20 pm

Ever since I was about 20 I started getting allergies to all kinds of foods like eggs, soy, yeast and anything fermented, preservatives, wheat.
It's hard to eat out. Just meat and rice and veggies is it.

I also get wired from decafe coffee and am very sensitive to drugs and their side effects. Anyone else have this?

after I removed the silver/mercury fillings in my teeth I was able to have more caffeine but it stills causes anxiety.

I suspect it ruined my liver since that is a common side effect of mercury, along with shyness. (makes you wonder how safe those fillings really are)

I saw on the female apie traits list, food allergies were on there. Thank god I am not a total freak!!

anyone else?

Pileated woodpecker
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06 Apr 2011, 1:33 pm

I am allergic to MSG, red 40, yellow 5, nitrates, polyester, latex, and chlorine.
I hallucinate on one children's strength ibuprofen pill and have to be monitered when I take pain medicine, especially when sleep deprived because I either hallucinate or fall asleep while gritting through pain.
For example, I took half a percoset after a day of pain when a blood clot rupture caused a case of dry socket and witnessed the walls changing colors. I also experienced the feeling of being flung up into the air when I breathed. I take naproxen sodium for my time of the month because it is the only medicine to completely take away the pain without me hallucinating; however, if I didn't sleep well the night before, it will result in no pain relief and a two hour nap.

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Apr 2011, 1:20 am

I'm super sensetive to some medications. Last fall I took Amoxicillian longer than usual since I was so sick and broke out in hives from head to toe. One psych med made me hallucinate (saw water coming out of the wall) and I went off it the next day (by order of medical doctor) since it also made me very hostile. Prozac almost made me kill myself.

I also suffer from severe migraine headaches which are triggered by certain foods, which is why I have to watch every little thing I put in my mouth. Not to mention read every single label, which sometimes makes my anorexia worse. :( My triggers are: MSG, Sodium Citrates, Sodium Nitrates, BHA, BHT, TBHQ and a few others. And anything processed.

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Pileated woodpecker
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12 Apr 2011, 9:41 pm

I tend to have some kind of issue with most everything! I can't seem to digest/ process pills, even the over the counter variety. Any possible side effect of a drug I usually get. I may also burst into hives.

I've taken gluten, casein, corn, soy, food dye, peanuts, preservatives out of my diet so that helped some. Still get crazy digestive issues and have to watch even the raw veggie intake.

Anything topical that is for sensitive skin even, will usually cause an uproar of some sort. Latex is horrible to me.

Can't afford to get the mercury out of the one tooth from childhood, someday I will.

All in all, I'm used to it and have adjusted accordingly.

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13 Apr 2011, 6:44 am

Let's see, where do I start? OK from an extensive detox diet, I know I am allergic to milk and wheat/gluten. I eat the same things everyday that are on my "list" and that is good enough. LOVE Almond flour and Gillian's 'breads'.
I cannot handle drugs, pills or street. Everytime I attempted hardish stuff I seizured (but don't normally). I just can't handle anything except herbal. Oh and alcohol does not sit well either. Most of my embarrassing meltdowns that I don't even remember had some kind of alcohol involved.


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13 Apr 2011, 6:20 pm

I have gluten and barley sensitivities,am probably lactose and meat intolerant by now (12+ years since I've had either)..and definitely alcohol sensitivity.Makes me much healthier in the long run!


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14 Apr 2011, 2:03 am

I've had food allergies all my life. Mostly vegetable proteins--soy, corn, tree nuts like walnuts and pecans, chickpeas. Certain milk products too, like regular milk and yogurt, although I don't have allergic reactions to milk from grass-fed cows and sheep, so it's likely an reaction to the corn-base feed they feed factory milk cows. I don't tolerate grains well either, but not technically allergic. I'm also sensitive to MSG and sulfates, and various food additives.

I am sensitive to prescription painkillers. Regular doses of them are too much for me, they make me very dizzy and depressed. I'll only use Tramadol, and only 25 mg twice a day at the most, and only for a few days, then I need to stop or it builds up and I'll have dizzy spells. I have had bad reactions to SSRIs. Zoloft made my skin insanely itchy, and then it caused me to have to unmanageable anger. Paxil made me suicidal after only a few days of being on it. I won't take any psychotropic drug now.


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14 Apr 2011, 12:32 pm

You sound very similar to me, Mercurial. Especially with prescription or over the counter drugs. Dizzy and depressed. I wondering if Aspergers has something to do with it.

I know when I had my silver mercury fillings removed my liver started acting differently. I used to get wired on decaf coffee but a week after the removal I could have regular coffee without getting a bad reaction. The deep ridges in my thumbnails went away too. Nothing else was changed but my fillings.

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