krex wrote:
I do think this is inpart physiological but for me it was also psychological...I had alot of intrussive negative thoughts that made relaxing and getting into my body, very difficult...such as.."Does he think I am to he just using me and really doesnt like he imagining that he is with someone else..."
I have had much the same thoughts/feelings. I'm insecure about many aspects of myself, even when with long-term partner.
I could never open my eyes other then brief "peeks" because I would instantly start thinking"this is weird...he is putting part of his body into strange sex is..."I had much more fun when I was drinking and could shut these thoughts out....
I get stuck feeling shame, disgust, etc. about sex & physicality-though I enjoy sex on the occasions I can distract myself successfully. Seeing how parts look during sex turns me off, and makes me feel too self-conscious to do anything.
I also think it is difficult to orgasim if you feel pressure to have one...similiar to males having anxiety about getting and keeping an erection...worrying is never good forplay....
I'm female and I get performance anxiety before sex-because I'm still not comfortable with certain basic facts of life. I get "grossed-out" easily, and sex tends to be messy (if you're doing it right, one might say). I'm 33, am hopeful that I'll become less afraid of my own body & my experiences will continue to improve.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*