do you feel like you have a male brain in a female body?
best of both worlds LOL

It has both good points and bad points, just like anything else. lol.

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best of both worlds LOL

It has both good points and bad points, just like anything else. lol.

yeah if i had a womens body i'd never get any work done... i'd be fondling myself all day...

although, i'm still not certain which is better the penis or the vagina... i think i'll take both...! hell, no more trying to chat up cold heartless cruel women
in fact, the thought strikes me, that women actually have both a penis and a vagina... how else are they able to go about their daily lives normally without having sex? why do they wear skirts... what do they need so much room down there for??.. what's happening there down under???

*disclaimer for those without a sense of humor* The above is a joke, and any resemblance to any person animal object or thing, living or dead or undead, is entirely coincedental.
I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2

LOL! I think you'd habituate to it eventually, though. It's hard to conceive of breasts and so on as a big deal when you are used to them always being there and following you wherever you go. (I know... heaven, right? rofl)
With a male brain, you might not have those tendencies. One would hope, anyway.
in fact, the thought strikes me, that women actually have both a penis and a vagina... how else are they able to go about their daily lives normally without having sex? why do they wear skirts... what do they need so much room down there for??.. what's happening there down under???

*disclaimer for those without a sense of humor* The above is a joke, and any resemblance to any person animal object or thing, living or dead or undead, is entirely coincedental.
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i read this book once, one of the novels in the "Lords of the diamond" series by Jack L Chalker (sci-fi)... in the novel, there was this strange planet where if 2 people fell asleep in close proximity to one another, they would wake up the next morning having switched bodies...! i must admit: at the time, the idea of walking around in a woman's body was quite intriguing to me...!

jack L chalker is an amazing sci-fi author...!
true.. i do have some rather odd tendencies...! u know what, i was wondering... sometimes i'd accompany a friend of mine to buy make up.. and i'd see all these various colours... and then the thought struck me... why do women wear red lipstick when they already have red lips...?

I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2
i read this book once, one of the novels in the "Lords of the diamond" series by Jack L Chalker (sci-fi)... in the novel, there was this strange planet where if 2 people fell asleep in close proximity to one another, they would wake up the next morning having switched bodies...! i must admit: at the time, the idea of walking around in a woman's body was quite intriguing to me...!

jack L chalker is an amazing sci-fi author...!
Hehe. If I woke up as a man... that would be strange. I'd probably be even clumsier, until I got used to the increased height and so on. lol.

true.. i do have some rather odd tendencies...! u know what, i was wondering... sometimes i'd accompany a friend of mine to buy make up.. and i'd see all these various colours... and then the thought struck me... why do women wear red lipstick when they already have red lips...?

Well, it's the shade of red... most women don't have bright, cherry red lips for instance.
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I'd love to try switching bodies with u LOL

true.. but i think women definitely tend to overdo it a lot these days...

and consider this: a woman could be on her last legs from carbon monoxide poisoning and anyone who saw her would think.. oh she's just wearing lipstick..!

I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2

Lol, I couldn't do that... my fiance would be all pissed off. I would no longer possess the required anatomy, which would please neither one of us. lol

and consider this: a woman could be on her last legs from carbon monoxide poisoning and anyone who saw her would think.. oh she's just wearing lipstick..!

Heh, I've thought that before. And yes, I think some women overdo it... not just in terms of obscuring what nature gave them, but in terms of the amount of time they have to waste every day on it.
Joined: 5 Mar 2006
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Location: Apt 7, Block 16, Street 318/41, Karama, Dubai, UAE

lol.. maybe then i'll steal your fiance away from u..

u know what, there should be some huge-ass mind-switching machine in orbit, and when it's over the middle east, it should be activated... switching the women's minds into the men & vice versa... instant solution to middle east problems..!

I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2
I think I do too, or at least tending towards the neutral. Even as a small child, I liked playing with toy cars and planes and building towers with blocks. I took a great deal of exception to being excluded by boys who said I was "only a girl". This led to my being bashed up a fair bit in early years.
The girls in my neighbourhood didn't like me (I don't know why - maybe the autism caused "strangeness" even at age 4 or 5) and said stuff like I had the "evil eye".
I find talk about make-up, fashion and getting guys very boring and like talking about politics, science and philosophy but don't like "guy" things like sports and "roughing it" (but if I had to, it wouldn't bother me not having make-up or fancy clothes). Frogs and toads, rats, mice, and creepy crawlies don't faze me.
I have a very systematic mind but also feel a lot of empathy so I don't know what that makes me.
I think the jury is still out on the theory that female aspies have an extreme "Male Mind" but do see that we often gravitate more to male friends. I do and find it incomprehensible and a bit annoying when told I should just have female friends.
Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon
When I was a kid I used to wish I was a boy. I never got along with other girls (except ones I could easily dominate and bend to my will), never wanted to play with dolls (I didn't even want to look at them). The only girly things I played with were My Little Ponies (I would cut the bows out of their hair to make them less girly and give them "punk" hair cuts). I did play with Barbies for a while but I was really only intrested in the pets and the furniture and not so long the animals ran Barbie out of the house and took over. I would scream bloody murder if I was forced to wear a dress. People always got me clothes with sick stuff such as lace and bows on them for Xmas and birthdays and I would not wear them until that stuff was removed. Because of her fundamindist Christian beliefs my mom always told me it was not right to wish I was a boy (or an animal). I had to be what I was born.
Hi! I'm new here.
I see myself as non gendered.
I have seen a couple of internet forums deidcated to people who are transsexual and on the autistic spectrum. I have read that there is a statistically significant association between the two. In that context 'extreme male brainness' doesn't seem to make sense, because there are lots of males who feel female brained. I believe most differences in gender are socialised and because aspies aren't so conductive to social norms you end up with more variation in gender expression.
I'm not sure, if I say I have a male brain it would be because I have based my answer on the things that I am interested, such as engineering, maths, science etc. which are generally male dominated fields. I also don't spend alot of time occupying myself with things that are considered feminine such as make-up and dolls etc. But I think that it's society that has stereotyped these things, giving them a gender and for that reason it's almost considered taboo to have an interest in one thing if you're of a certain gender.
Sorry for rambling.
You never know when an old calendar might come in handy. Sure, it's not 1985 now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
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