statschica wrote:
upon going to the gynecologist, she said even with the spironolactone I STILL had extremely high testosterone and Polycystic ovarian syndrome so they prescribed birth control pill
If you can, go to an endocrinologist. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome too and my endocrinologist just put me on metformin. He was surprised I wasn't already on it, so I don't know if it's for everyone but you might benefit from it too. My metabolism is screwed up from years of inadequate treatment now.
Regarding the topic, my period has always been uncomfortable for me because of my existing sensitivities but I don't notice them being more intense, there's just more to set them off...tampons or pads, water retention, and I've always swung between no period for long stretches or menorrhagia, so that doesn't help anything.