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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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26 Apr 2012, 1:49 pm

I dye my hair every few months but otherwise I have the hairstyle called "over a year's grow-out from when you cut your hair short." It's almost shoulder length now but it is completely unstyled. I will cut my hair when I feel it is too long but otherwise I have absolutely no motivation to keep it styled or fashionable. I will wear it in pigtails, ponytail, or just down depending on how much energy I feel like putting into my hair on any given day.


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26 Apr 2012, 1:54 pm

My hair is a pain to style because it's so thick and frizzy. I usually end up throwing my hair into a ponytail but I will never have it loose unles I straighten it first and my hair is extremely hard to straighten.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Apr 2012, 4:15 pm

Hmm, I have very thick curly hair (it takes TWO hair-stylists 2hrs to straighten my hair).
I like to wear it in two French brains, it's a lot easier to deal with that way. It also makes me look younger. I make the braids in the morning, and only take them off to wash my hair the next morning... and then re-make the braids.

When I get tired of it and cut my hair in a short boy cut, I make it so the curls fall around my face. I love that hair style! It's so pretty, and much more simple to take care of, but it makes me look much older...

So I stick with long hair, styled with the 2 French braids.


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30 Apr 2012, 8:35 pm

I just keep it long either brush it behind me or do braid or pony tail or bun. thats it. doesnt take me more than like 5 mins. i dont care that much.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2012, 6:54 am

I have just-below-shoulder length dreadlocks. My hair is really fine and my boyfriend hated it tickling him, and I hated dragging a brush through it! I love how low maintenance they are and how easily I can bundle them out the way..

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 May 2012, 7:01 am

I really am rubbish at doing anything with my hair. It is very straight and kind of a dull dirty highway colour, and in the past few years I have just had it in a between-chin-and-shoulder bob. But last time I let them cut it more layered, and as it has grown out of that, I either have to work at making it nice or just braid it. So I braid it mostly, a french-style braid on either side of my head.


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01 May 2012, 7:26 am

[quote="Intravenus"]I have just-below-shoulder length dreadlocks. My hair is really fine and my boyfriend hated it tickling him, and I hated dragging a brush through it! I love how low maintenance they are and how easily I can bundle them out the way..[/quote

I'm doing nothing but growing my hair just so I can get it dreaded one day. I love dreadlocks and have done for years.

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01 May 2012, 8:05 am

I have curly, rather frizzy hair which is that sort of non descript light brown colour. I just tie it back in a pony tail almosst all the time. I used to very it a bit more by sometimes wearing it half tied back or in a clip rather than pony tail. Maybe I should try to make more of an effort with it. :?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 May 2012, 10:36 am

for a long time i had waist to hip length hair. i thought short hair made me look like a boy. but recently
two months ago

I shaved my head!

im just letting it grow back however it wants. if i am bothered by it or have to go out in public, i will throw a beanie or bandana on. i don't really care much about my hair or shaving, or make up. i just do/did it because that is what people expect.

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04 May 2012, 1:22 pm

My hair is very thick and curly so I wear it in an eternal ponytail. That's the easiest option in my case. Besides, I don't like to spend a lot of time and money on styling my hair because I can't be bothered. I rarely go to a hairdresser. I just cut it myself whenever I feel the need.


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04 May 2012, 3:50 pm

Image this is the most recent picture I have. My hair reaches my butt, and it is naturally strawberry blonde, with unnatural hot pink streaks. It's curly normally but I straighten it sometimes.

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04 May 2012, 3:55 pm

Almost exactly like my avatar, which is my picture as a toddler. Trying to grow it out, but the curls are actually painful as it gets longer.



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04 May 2012, 4:42 pm

My hair is brownish-black with natrual ringlets. I have layered and it comes 4 inches past my shoulder and it is parted in the middle. I dunno why, but I like to part my hair in the middle. Other than that, it has no specific style. However I ran out of leave in conditioner so I keep it in a ponytail until I get more. My leave in conditioner costs about 19 dollars a bottle and I buy it is hard to find the right stuff cuz my hair is very very dry and without it I have a Dianna Ross thing going on.

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05 May 2012, 8:35 pm

I have a lot of fine hair, so I found that the best style for me is layers and no longer than shoulder length. Usually, it's around chin length, and I have an appointment with the hairstylist this coming week because I'm overdue for a haircut.


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09 May 2012, 1:16 am

I have stick straight impervious to waves let alone a curl hair down to my hips. I rarely do anything more than braid it. I keep it long because I hate getting hair-cuts. When I am forced in for a trim the stylists always always freak out a bit and I feel like they give me some attitude for having unfashionably long hair.

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09 May 2012, 1:23 am

Gah! Delete this post!

Last edited by edgewaters on 09 May 2012, 3:55 am, edited 1 time in total.