I was diagnosed with moderate to severe PDD-with classic autistic traits in 1986-87 at the age of nine.
Also diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, shaken baby syndrome, OCD, rapid cycling bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, sensory issues, executive functioning dysfunction. They even thought I had childhood schizophrenia for a while and thought I had borderline personality disorder for a few years too.
I also have status eplylepus seizures which are life threatening and can cause brain injury due to a lack of oxigen to the brain during the seizure.
I am also legally deaf.
However the only dx's that are true are PDD-with classic autistic traits, traumatic brain injury, shaken baby syndrome and OCD, the seizures, and the deafness, executive functioning dysfunction, and sensory issues.
Much of what they thought was bipolar, or BPD was a combination of autism and untreated OCD run amok.
As far as the childhood schizophrenia....alot of kids on the spectrum in the 80's and before were given the childhood schizophrenia dx...many were sent to institutions and just now they are starting to re-evalute these people for autism and discovered than many people labled schizophrenic and spent decades in institutions are in fact autistic. Due to a loving and dedicated mother, I avoided that fate cause she moved heaven and earth to find out what was going on with me. Unlike those with AS, I had severe speech delays, and did not really understand much of what ppl said until I was in middle school. She knew something was up when I scored in the moderately MR range in a traditional IQ test, but scored in the gifted range in the non-verbal IQ test. However, I did manage to go to college and mostly stayed on the deans list, until I developed a medication related sleep disorder. I plan to go back and someday hope to be an art therapist for those with autism to help give ppl on the spectrum a voice..as art and poetry have been my voice and my saving grace.
Creativity has amazing healing power.
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin