I'm a female myself but even I still think females are very critical. I also think females can become very selfish and unempathetic when it comes to fashion. If another woman isn't following their fashion trends, they will attack (not physically). I must admit, I like to look nice in my clothes. I don't go a lot on clothes shopping and I can easily resist clothes shops, but I still like to look presentable, and I do try to take care in my appearance - but I don't really care what other women are wearing. If I know them, I may walk away and think, ''hmm, I didn't like that top she had on'' or something like that, but then I know that that's just my opinion and that I'm not going to become critical of the whole person just because I didn't like she clothes she had on. So I definately don't do it with strangers, since it is none of my business what they are wearing and I'm too busy worrying about what I look like rather than what anyone else looks like, unless somebody really looks signifficantly bizarre, but that's not too usual so otherwise I don't take a lot of notice.
I know men can be bitchy, but it's in a different sort of way to women. Men aren't so critical of what someone else is wearing. They don't make me feel uncomfortable when I walk into the jobcentre either. When I walk in and all the seats are filled up with mostly men, they don't all stare at me when I got to stand up, they just give a quick glance and look away, or they just give a nod or a smile and then carry on going about their business. But when I walk in there when it's full of girls (and older women) they always all stare at me for ages and it makes me feel so uncomfortable. But it's also the way some girls wear their make-up, like having a lot of thick maskara around their eyes makes them look like they're glaring or staring right at you when they could be looking past you. I do think wearing all that in unnecessary and doesn't do them much justice, just makes them look fierce.
Also I have come across more rude women than I have men, although you would think it'd be the other way around. Whenever I have smelt a bad smell like somebody has farted, there has always been women around. I've heard men say ''pardon me'' after burping, but I've seen girls burp really loud in public and just giggle afterwards. When I hold doors open for men, they always say thank you or smile if they're shy, but when I hold doors open for a woman, some say thank you or smile and some don't. When I'm in a shop, a woman often pushes by or just about mutters ''excuse me!'' in a bad-tempered way, but a man would smile and say ''excuse me'' in a friendly way. And if I say hello to a man walking past, they usually smile or say hello back, but, although some women smile or say hello too, not all do, and some give me the WTF stare, whereas mostly men guess that you are just trying to be friendly and so have the courtesy to speak back, even if they weren't expecting to be greeted. And I get more critical stares from women than I do men, if a man does have a problem with me then usually they look away, whereas a woman would do their best to make me know that I'm being judged.
I'm only generalizing here, by the way.