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03 Aug 2012, 9:00 pm

Ok. I have a medical condition so I can't have intercourse. I could have this fixed but I'd run a 50/50 chance of not being able to walk again since the doctor would have to break my pelvis and fix it etc. I walk now (a miracle considering my pelvic was broken as a baby). At this time I have no love relationship and am not dating etc. and yes there are other things such as cuddling/kissing but I'm debating this surgery. I DON'T have TO DO IT! It is an OPTION! To fix the issue but is running the risk of NEVER walking again WORTH it to have intercourse????

I was wondering what other women thought. Those who've experienced sex would you risk NEVER walking again to be able to do it????




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03 Aug 2012, 9:07 pm

There are a lot of different kinds of sex. (not just kissing and cuddling)
I think you should probably find a loving relationship first and then make the decision later. You might find that what you CAN do is perfectly satisfying.


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03 Aug 2012, 9:39 pm

I'd never even consider the surgery if it meant possibly never walking again. But I'm also asexual so sex for me ranks at a -4759 in terms of my life priorities. But still, I think being able to walk is much more important than sexual intercourse. To me it would be illogical to get the surgery. It would be sacrificing your quality of life for someone elses' 5 second muscle contractions.


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03 Aug 2012, 11:55 pm

When I was younger, I thought it was the "all to end all" I used to think the only way to have intimacy was physically. As I have gotten older, I can take it or leave it. There are so many different levels to intimacy and physical intimacy is just one of them. Also, I would never risk being paralyzed 100% of the time for a few brief minutes of pleasure.

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04 Aug 2012, 12:30 am

Sex is not that important. What is important in a relationship is love and emotional intimacy. Please don't risk your ability to walk for the ability to have sexual intercourse. Most people I know who've had sex, value their ability to walk over their ability to have sex.


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04 Aug 2012, 12:50 am

I don't think it's important unless you want to have kids of your own. You just need to find someone who is asexual. Plus you can do sex in other ways and not have intercourse.

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04 Aug 2012, 2:01 am

Sex isn't that great.
Then again like others posting here I am also asexual.
Personally I think the surgery sounds way too risky.
Never being able to walk again?
It's your decision, your life, but my two cents is, not being able to walk
is not something to mess around with.


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04 Aug 2012, 2:12 am

Fun yes, important no. Certainly not worth risking losing the ability to walk for, IMO.

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04 Aug 2012, 3:04 am

No, I wouldn't have the surgery. Sex is more than just penetration and you can still have sex without it.

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04 Aug 2012, 6:22 am

I would have the surgery, thats just me though.
If sex isnt important to you then dont have it done, and whoever you get into a relationship with is just gonna have to deal with that.

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04 Aug 2012, 6:43 am

Is anal intercourse a problem for you also? You could perhaps do that if you were comfortable with it.

But yes, as said, it's just not worth it otherwise IMO.


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04 Aug 2012, 7:12 am

How active are you know zp? As in, you walk normally, can jump, run, climb etc?


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04 Aug 2012, 7:30 am

By the time I was your age I had already quit having sex for 6 years and I will never do penetration again.

I wouldn't risk surgery that had a high chance of making me not be able to walk just so I could have sex that I don't even enjoy.


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04 Aug 2012, 9:03 am

I think it really depends on if sex is important to her or not.
You shouldnt be asking other women what they would do to get an answer for yourself because we are all different and every body telling you one thing is only going to sway your opinion from what it truly is and this is a decision that should be made by you alone and for you alone.

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04 Aug 2012, 9:43 am

Desukani wrote:
I think it really depends on if sex is important to her or not.

Sorry, all depends on if vaginal penetration is important to her or not.

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04 Aug 2012, 11:08 am

if she wants to have kids it is.
Sex isnt all about penetration you are right but it is what the rest of it revolves around.

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