NewDawn wrote:
Hi! I'm new here and have been lurking to learn about AS since I heard that AS can manifest differently in women. I've had problems with social anxiety and sensitivity issues all my life, but never related them with AS. I seem to have taken the DSM-IV too seriously. I thought I couldn't possibly have AS because I have empathy and do understand non-verbal communication. What I can't deal with is the lying, the deceit and the backstabbing many people so often do. While I was reading through the forums, I got the strong impression that I'm not the only one having a hard time with this.
Sounds like me. Not AS, but problems with social anxiety, which I've mostly overcome. Very sensitive, and highly emotional. Moderately gifted. Very high empathy and good communication skills. I too can't stand lying, deceit, backstabbing - I can't do them well myself, and I'm really only just learning about how others do it after getting badly hurt a few times. I have trusted too openly in the past and keep to a small circle. At age 29 I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after three or four years of symptoms.
I still wonder whether I might have AS or something like that, but my high empathy seems to rule me out of the diagnosis.