I would really love a relationship, including a sexual relationship. However I have never had a long-term relationship or a fully sexual relationship because my Aspergers/Autism and mental health problems have derailed my life too much for it to happen so far.
I also have extreme hang-ups about my body so one night stands would be out of the question for me, which is kind of a hard fact to face because I do get sexually frustrated. However I probably couldn't cope with the social side of random sexual encounters, except for maybe with women (I consider myself bisexual and am attracted to both sexes, although probably to men more).
I am twenty five. I am sad and resentful about having missed out on this side of life. I know from the very, very brief contact I have had with this side of things that I benefit enormously from the physical affection of this kind of thing, so that makes the loss cut even deeper.
I tongue-kissed a boy at a party when I was 15.
I had a close friendship with this much older guy when I was 21 who I kissed a lot and was in bed naked with. We didn't have intercourse. I was too inexperienced and also very traumatised (I have PTSD from past abuse- not sexual abuse as such but very bad physical and long-term emotional abuse, which to be honest does just the same amount of damage to your sense of your sexuality from a different angle)
I lay and fondled with a guy I made friends with in a hostel when I was 22. No kissing. Just happened once.
Most recently I had the closest I've ever had to a relationship at 24 where I was very close to a guy emotionally for a few weeks and physically in that we hugged a lot, lay in bed together watching films, kissed a lot and, er, did some other stuff, but again, no actual intercourse. This time I was actually ready, but the relationship ended, he was autistic himself and had his own problems, we had no privacy where we were living and so on. Just didn't happen.
So my experiences in that realm have been tragically limited. Why is life so f*****g unfair eh?
Dime quienes son tus amigos y te diré quien eres