Contraceptive injection ADHD/Asperger/PMS

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20 Jan 2013, 10:44 pm


I typically have PMS symptoms which can include mood swings , increased anxiety, increased sex drive and sometimes sleep difficulties . I have ADD and Aspergers.

I was wondering if anyone has used the contraceptive injection and if it improved emotional PMS symptoms. What was your experience of the depo provera injection?

I have found the combined pill made me worse at other points in my cycle therefore am interested in looking into the injection.

`Please respond if you have experience with this injection. I am aware of all the side effects, just wondering how people with Aspergers/ ADD have found their experience taking it.



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20 Jan 2013, 11:01 pm

Mitsuki wrote:

I typically have PMS symptoms which can include mood swings , increased anxiety, increased sex drive and sometimes sleep difficulties . I have ADD and Aspergers.

I was wondering if anyone has used the contraceptive injection and if it improved emotional PMS symptoms. What was your experience of the depo provera injection?

I have found the combined pill made me worse at other points in my cycle therefore am interested in looking into the injection.

`Please respond if you have experience with this injection. I am aware of all the side effects, just wondering how people with Aspergers/ ADD have found their experience taking it.


OK. My answer is no. No. No and NO. Don't do it.

It is not like a pill you can simply quit taking! I took depo for two shots and only took the second under pressure from my mother - and in the end I quit menstruating for almost 3 years but spotted solidly every single day of the year. I gained 90 lbs in less than 6 months. My hair began falling out and it took years to stop. I also had more melt downs. I was always able to control myself and hide away when I began emotionally losing it. After depo I even would throw dishes at my live in boyfriend. I was a mess and hugely depressed.

Please consider your options carefully. You can't take back this decision.


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21 Jan 2013, 6:54 am

I am interested in non-pill contraceptives also. I can't remember to take my pills everyday, so birth control pills would be useless. (Been on daily meds for 14 years, tried everything, don't really want more advice about it)

I am mostly interested in them for the contraceptive effect, but I would love to have my severe PMS symptoms eased if I can.

If the shot is bad, what about other delivery methods? I know there is a patch and a ring. What about those?

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21 Jan 2013, 10:41 am

I did not have good results with the depo shot at all. It probably would help physical pms symptoms, but it's still can wreak havoc hormonally.


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21 Jan 2013, 12:47 pm

i have been taking depo for almost a year. I have not had pms problems besides getting a little emotional. It has helped since my periods were irregular and now I can just get away with wearing a liner. I did have a huge meltdown about a month after my shot. Cried for two days, couldn't stand my boyfriends presence, got physically sick. I haven't had a meltdown since high school but after figured it was my body getting use to the drug. Haven't had one since.

Also, I do not take medications, have emotional issues or depression.

Everyone is different so do your research


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21 Jan 2013, 12:55 pm

How about the implant?

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21 Jan 2013, 2:20 pm

Do not take depo provera contraceptive, my mother had a student take it and she wasn't able have children. It also has a dozen detrimental side effects.

I suggest the progesterone contraceptive shot, I utilize it and only have to get it every two months from my physician.


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23 Jan 2013, 2:04 pm

hadapurpura wrote:
How about the implant?

It is another option I am looking into, I am quite worried though at having the tube inserted in my arm, if the procedure will be painful, if it is uncomfortable having the tube inside me, if it will leave scars etc.

Have you had it yourself?


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23 Jan 2013, 2:29 pm

Kaz87 wrote:
Do not take depo provera contraceptive, my mother had a student take it and she wasn't able have children. It also has a dozen detrimental side effects.

I suggest the progesterone contraceptive shot, I utilize it and only have to get it every two months from my physician.

Hi, just so you know, I'm pretty sure Depo Provera is also a progesterone contraceptive shot.

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23 Jan 2013, 5:32 pm

I found it made me feel less in control of my emotions. I had the depo shot twice a couple of years back and burst into tears a few times at the slightest thing (not like me at all). It also killed my sex drive - I read that in some cultures depo is used as chemical castration for men 8O

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25 Jan 2013, 12:52 am

I believe the contraceptive I am provided by my Physician is noristerat.

I have read it has the least side effects and a possible positive side effect, weight gain which could easily be worked off.

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25 Jan 2013, 5:55 am

Kaz87 wrote:
weight gain which could easily be worked off.

Sorry, but there's nothing easy about working off hormonal weight gain.. :(

OP, I know you said you'd researched the possible side effects and such and knew about the risks and didn't want to hear about that, but I'd also advice you to stay away from the depo shot, I've rarely heard of anyone who was happy with it, unless their most important criteria for contraception is that they only have to worry about it every 3 months.

Personally I can't use ANY hormonal contraception, screws up both body and mind..


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31 Jan 2013, 8:32 pm

I was on depo for like 6 months back in 05, I spotted every single day until I got off of it.


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09 Feb 2013, 9:01 pm

I'm on depo for now because my doc is worried that the pill could give me blood clots. The first three months were a bear--I spotted almost constantly and gained 15 pounds because it made me so hungry. Things evened out right after the second shot, though. The weight isn't coming off, but I haven't gained more. No more spotting, and emotions seem unaffected. I'll be transitioning off it as soon as Hubby gets his vasectomy.

Have you looked into the Mirena IUD? The progesterone is supposed to make physical PMS symptoms better and periods much easier, but the hormone doesn't travel throughout your body so your emotions are left alone. I'm not using it because I've already had two IUDs come out (this is unusual), but I might look into it if you haven't already.

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10 Feb 2013, 9:08 am

The depo shot was a horror for me! I took it once. I bled for three months straight and turned into a raging lunatic. I'd lash out at anyone for no reason at all. It was like the worst pms ever magnified by 10. It was kind of the same effect I'd had being on Prozac when I was 16. I have also been on the pill, which made me cry a lot and be depressed. I'd prefer not to take any hormonal birth control at all as I feel it seems to make everything worse for me. I am thinking about getting the IUD without hormones for birth control.

For PMS, taking vitamins has helped, especially magnesium! Really helps the bloating and the mental functioning! And I drink a tea called Yogi Women's Moon Cycle. It's been a miracle! You can get it at most grocery stores near the natural, organic section or off Amazon. The herb that's in it is Vitex, Agnus Cactus Berry, Chasteberry. If you don't like the taste of the tea, you can get that in just a herbal supplement. It's really been a big help though. It calms me down, I'm not lashing out at people for no reason, it keeps me on an even emotional level. Before I had suffered terribly with the emotional aspects of pms, and terrible pain, not cramps, but pains in my bones. The doctor told me it was carpal tunnel, it was retaining fluid around my joints, and recommended the pill. I did not want to take it because of the bad reaction in the past, so I found this tea and the magnesium, and amazingly enough, absolutely no more pain in my bones! The tea has also helped my periods become absolutely regular. I haven't known the exact day I would be getting mine in years and now I could set my clock by it!


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12 Feb 2013, 11:59 am

metaldanielle wrote:
I am interested in non-pill contraceptives also. I can't remember to take my pills everyday, so birth control pills would be useless. (Been on daily meds for 14 years, tried everything, don't really want more advice about it)

I am mostly interested in them for the contraceptive effect, but I would love to have my severe PMS symptoms eased if I can.

If the shot is bad, what about other delivery methods? I know there is a patch and a ring. What about those?

<- Is wearing a copper spirale and is completely happy. Nothing to forget, no hormones making you mad, even the pain when my menstruation starts is gone. Only misadvantage, because of no hormones it has no influence on PMS Symptoms.