Female characters with Asperger's Syndrome?

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10 Feb 2013, 4:56 pm

Catmint wrote:
Amy Farrah Fowler definitely, Bernadette I'm not so sure about - I find myself connecting with Amy a lot but not with Bernadette.

Abby in NCIS? Definitely!! ! I've come across something somewhere that suggests Ziva might be but I disagree, she's just from a *very* different world. I love that they have her even now getting idioms mixed up and not understanding them because sometimes the idiom gets explained to her and I'm like, "So THAT'S what it means!" and I find myself frequently agreeing with her when she says they're ridiculous. Several people say I'm a mix of those 2 characters (whereas about the only thing I can relate to with Kate is that she was Catholic and so am I). Ziva's my favourite character - Abby can be a bit much for me a lot of the time. The first time I saw NCIS (back before I got hooked on it - it's my current Aspie obsession/special interest) my Aspie-dar was screaming out about her! (I have Aspie-dar like some people have gay-dar - seriously, I can spot an Aspie a mile off!)

Back to Big Bang Theory, Amy sets my Aspie-dar off, Bernadette doesn't.

Apparently there's a character in Bones who's officially been declared Aspie. I can't comment because I've never watched it.

I agree with you.

Bernardette is adorable and nerdy, but she seems to have a very good grasp of social conventions and the ability to socialize - Howard met het because she was Penny's friend, after all.

Ziva's very NT, it's just that she's foreign so she has some difficulties because of that (although she could represent the metaphor of aspies coming from another planet), but I bet she understands israeli idioms and needs to know how to navigate the social waters better than the average person to do all what she's done. Abby on the other hand, seems like the portrayal of an actual person - a person who's somewhat over the top, but still, and she has difficulties she can mask because she's in a supportive environment under Gibbs' overprotective wing, and because she has the gifted+pretty combo that makes a lot of her quirky behavior look cute and adorable in other people's eyes instead of a symptom that something's going on there.


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11 Feb 2013, 3:30 am

Shurelia from Cross Edge she tends to wander off alot and has almost no emotion and thinks in logic and is very robot like.Always curious! Heres a scene where she wanders off and another where she wanders off yet again!![youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsAbebe_b2s[/youtube][youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWDv9M0HgpY[/youtube]

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11 Feb 2013, 3:50 pm

I forgot: Remedios the Beauty from 100 Years of Solitude.


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13 Feb 2013, 8:30 am

Lily from soap opera ALL My Children

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16 Feb 2013, 7:01 pm

This might be a bit of a stretch, but I've always had a bit of a connection with Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy (especially in the earlier seasons). I see a lot of myself in her, obsession, perfectionism, inability to become involved in plots that break rules, calm demeanour in stressful situations when other people are freaking out, her refusal to connect with some people, but a human element. I'd personally say that she is on the spectrum, though she may not have full blown Asperger's.

Oh and obviously there was Dr. Virginia Dixon from the 6th season after Hahn left.


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17 Feb 2013, 3:47 am

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oKen1cWCx4[/youtube]Yuki Nagato definately!

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17 Feb 2013, 6:53 pm

Taylor from Wild Orchid
Isabelle from Mozart and the Whale

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21 Feb 2013, 2:15 pm

Saga Noren from the Swedish/Danish crime drama called The Bridge/Bron/Broen (depending on the language). She's the most accurate aspie (including the boys) I've ever seen. I was very lucky to be an extra on season 2 of The Bridge a couple of weeks ago and was in scenes with her. I was to shy to talk to her myself, but luckily somebody told her that I had Aspergers (since I wrote it in my application) and she came up and talked to me! Asked me about my school, special interest etc. It was so amazing and I think I personally taught her a thing or 2 about AS, since she's very different from her character IRL.

But I recommend The Bridge to EVERYONE. The series is not about her autism but it adds a new level to it's whole. And don't worry you can find it with English subtitles ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83FcxzlXbKs (she's the blonde)


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21 Feb 2013, 4:28 pm

Dina from It's Walky! and Dumbing of Age. :D

Also, I've been working on this story where one of the main characters is a 13 year old female aspie. I wasn't planning on bringing it up, necessarily, but her stepsister bullies her for being "weird".

EDIT: Oh, looks like today's update (DOA) has Dina in it, special interest (dinosaurs) on display for all to see. ;B

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22 Feb 2013, 2:37 pm

I just realized that Martha M. Masters from House is more than likely on the spectrum.


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23 Feb 2013, 4:55 pm

Elizabeth Bennett, Pride and Prejudice.

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25 Feb 2013, 2:29 am

Tiffany from the film - The Silver Linings Playbook.

Kim Jung-yeon from the film- Castaway on the Moon.

Sue from the tv show - The Middle.

Fluttershy from the cartoon- My Little Pony.

Toph from the cartoon - Avatar, the Last Air Bender.


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28 Feb 2013, 10:14 pm

Both Amelie and Daria I associated with completely, and this was long before I suspected my Aspie "orientation". Isabelle in Mozart and the Whale I felt akin to as well. My mom watched the film with me -- and yes, it's awesome -- and said Isabelle reminded her of me. Interesting side note -- in one scene, Isabelle is stressed out and is rocking back and forth on a child's rocking horse. Not a week before we watched the film, I told Mom that I thought having my own rocking horse would be cool -- that way I could rock all I wanted without looking "crazy." A quick reminder -- I'm 52 years old, and I STILL rock back and forth when I'm in a negative mindset.

One that hasn't been mentioned -- L.V. from the film "Little Voice" -- excellent film BTW. HIGHLY recommended.
L.V.'s Character traits:
1. Painfully, horribly shy around people
2. Introverted and spends a great deal of time alone
3. Speaks very quietly, hence the nickname "Little Voice".
4. Is a grown woman, but appears much younger -- almost child-like
5. Uncomfortable with telephones
6. Obsessive narrow interests, i.e. her record collection
7. Shuts down when under severe stress
8. Has a meltdown when she's had enough verbal abuse from her mother

I had my mother watch this film because I thought she would enjoy it. Again, I first saw it before I knew anything about AS. After it was over, I asked Mom how she liked it. She said it was good, and the girl in the movie was just like me. I told her "Surely I'm not THAT bad!" She said "You used to be." I was a mess from adolescence until way after high school. But I never had any clue I was that dysfunctional. There was no such diagnosis as AS back in the 70s, so I was just diagnosed with low self-esteem.


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28 Feb 2013, 11:42 pm

Lisbeth Salander from the Millennium Trilogy. (Girl with a dragon tattoo, girl who played with fire and girl who kicked the hornets nest) can be added to the characters with AS list.
The books are worth a read. They have been made into movies (they are in swedish but with subtitles).


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04 Mar 2013, 5:52 am

Read the manga "It not my Fault that I'm not Popular" t

The main character is basically a legitimate loser with no social skills whatsoever and the whole plot is her trying to get a boyfriend and make more friends (since she only has one that she had since middle school and even then, she finds the two of them growing apart a little), but failing miserably.


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05 Mar 2013, 9:08 am

The book 'the language of others' is all about a female with AS, and made a lot of sense to me!

If you don't believe in dragons it is curiously true, that the dragons you disparage choose to not believe in you.