Well, the sample was so little, you could think they didn't want to get any result with women. Probably they weren't even diferent enough to make a good sample. As in my case, I have of course a lot of problems, but I recently finished university (with grades increasing a lot after my diagnosis), currently work at something I like, and though I'm not in a formal relationship, I think men won't be such a big issue from now on (uni ate my whole life, so goodbye classroom, hello humans! didn't know you were there, how you doing?). I've met men and women with AS, and most of them seem to have a somehow normal life, with grade studies, and at least a little group of close people. I haven't find diferences between male and female AS. Of course problems are somehow diferent, but at the end, there's a lot more than just the diagnosis to define how well you'll do in life.