If talking about real obsessions then one funny one I've had in varying degrees of intensity over the last few years has been cutting my hair ; usually shortish, sculpted around the back , layered or fringed at front , meticulous and perfectionist hours of work go into it , sometimes every couple of days over a week or two , then just once a week or fortnight; just recently has calmed down considerably, which I'm glad of cos as a craft it is pretty exhausting , the tension of not making a mistake, the peering round my head ( even when using 3 fold mirror still have to peer, and adjust scissor angle etc!) but I generally come out of a session feeling strangely calmed/grounded , as if I've been meditating intensely. My brain washed through.
One I used to have but not in recent years was drawing faces. All sizes. In blue biro on scraps, or pencil, or oil pastel on walls ! ! I now know that this is a classically aspergers thing to do with effort made to understand facial expressions. But many people have complimented me on these so it's not just diagram drawing ! ! When I draw faces, on a good session, it feels also as if I go off somewhere, and hear people talking to each other as I'm drawing the face , as if I'm hearing the story about that person!! And come out feeling tranced and rested!
Another one a few years back which lasted over about 3 winters was cutting out and collecting pictures from house interiors and garden magazines ( "real houses" etc!) , and pics of faces , of all kind of faces , and grouping them , with a lot of concentration , into families and their houses and individual rooms , and beginning to attribute stories to each family and each member , and it was the rooms which gave me the info. NOW I know why I liked doing that so much too!! ! They're still all filed away very neatly in diff coloured folders depending on the size of family etc!!
I have also painted huge abstracts on walls or panels I bought specially. They go on and on and on . I don't like to stop. If I stop I feel as if I've sold out. To me it's only good if it's still able to change. It's dead if I say there that's right!! So only three smallish ones still exist , which I could still happily paint on some more , for ever , changing and changing. Infinity. Some collapse from sheer overload and those are the ones I mourn.
Recently I've just revived my old love of collecting little smooth objects. So no craft activity right now.
Last edited by ouinon on 28 Oct 2007, 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.