ASPartOfMe wrote:
...This is the old nature vs nurture question. I lean towered nature.
I lean towards nurture. In my family:
* the sensitive expressive gene went Dad - Daughter - Grandson
* the sensitive inexpressive gene went Mom - Daughter (there is no son) - Granddaughter
So we are mostly contrary to gender expectations. Gender is not related to who is "feeling" from a genetic standpoint. I do see how a person is conditioned to respond based on gender. As I mentioned, when I (a woman) express sadness (cry), I am socially rewarded (hugs). When I express anger (raise my voice), I am socially reprimanded (ostracized). I see the social conditioning is in
reverse for my dad and son.
BTW, I have read studies that the inexpressive actually have
stronger emotional responses (blood pressure, pulse, etc.) than the expressive. It's more "controlled" outwardly, but it's less "controlled" inwardly. Pros and Cons.