I met my husband when I was 35 and he was 45, and we got married like 3 yrs later. We had a child immediately.
It's been a long, long road for us. We are both seriously late bloomers, so we started very, very late.
My advice to you would be:
1) Play tennis! If you are an aspie, it is a great way to meet people and have an immediate connection. It's a very, very social sport, especially if you play doubles. When I met my husband, I was dating a few guys I had met through tennis at the same time.
2) Do not waste time with wishy-washy relationships that aren't working for YOU. When I hit 35, I was like on a mission. I decided to get rid of any guy that had had 3 strikes against him. I actually broke up with my husband a few times, but each time he kept coming back new and improved. The last time I broke up with him, he came over with an engagement ring, begging me to take him back!