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26 Aug 2024, 3:46 am

I'm going to be in menopause in September, NO MORE periods :D :D :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


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26 Aug 2024, 4:09 am


Only one in the last 9 months... I'm nearly there, too!


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26 Aug 2024, 5:15 am

I've had mentalpause for the last 20-30 years.

(I'm sorry . . . I'll see myself out . . .)

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01 Sep 2024, 11:27 am

i've had it for 7 years and find it to be like having a disease. The hot flushes/flashes and night sweats were the worst. And i gained 25 lbs so easily even though i lived and ate the exact same. I'm a creature of habit. Getting the weight off (Because it makes me uncomfortable) has been very difficult road for me.

Just an offering to you if you are just starting to take care of yourself more than you ever have in your life and maybe help avoid what i've been through. HRTs were something to be feared but now they are saying it might save you. So i would research and not just listen to the doctors, or i mean to say, go in ready with information. Watch the scales and clean up your diet. Walking a lot is so good for the mental health as well. It's a different life, I am a different creature.

Though it has not been a great experience, i look at it as a learning experience and finding wisdom in myself.. lots of shedding haha.. getting rid of what no longer serves you.. learning to live with a more calm body mind and emotions.

I'm trying to see it as a positive thing now.. but the first few years i had zero mentors, people rarely spoke about it (still do but i see it more often) and i felt lost and alone. So don't be like me, find answers, self-advocate with doctors and even friends/family.

It's a time to become renewed, a new person, the person you've always wanted to be but things/yourself/people prevented you. Because now i don't care what people think and i'm so much more happy in this way. I don't live by anyone's rules. So those are the good things (for me at least) :)


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09 Sep 2024, 1:02 am

Do women in menopause get more facial hair like on chin? I been getting cold & little hot. I know about hot flashes & night sweat, I don’t know too much on what to expect.


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09 Sep 2024, 3:32 am

It's been a while now for me, maybe 7 or 8 years, but menopause was one of the best things that happened. Before, I was much more emotional and I tended to get angry and extremely irritable, and that just all went away. I didn't really have any negative symptoms.


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09 Sep 2024, 8:23 am

I had surgical menopause in my 30s.
There was no tapering off.
Just there one day, gone the next.

I didn't really notice any changes except pain from surgery.

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17 Sep 2024, 3:29 am

I last had a period in May. Lab tests indicated menopause. But, I think it's coming back. My hot flashes are gone and I can feel the hormones building up. Guess I'll know for sure in a couple weeks.

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17 Sep 2024, 11:21 pm

I've had menopause for a few years I find I get hot flushes more in the hot weather, I don't notice it in the winter.


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28 Sep 2024, 7:09 pm

Kitty4670 wrote:
Do women in menopause get more facial hair like on chin? I been getting cold & little hot. I know about hot flashes & night sweat, I don’t know too much on what to expect.

My facial hair increased. Not sure if that's related or not; I'm in perimenopause still.

I can't tell which symptoms are post-COVID and which are strictly perimenopause --- I think COVID triggered perimenopause for me. For example, after COVID I skipped a cycle and then my cycles went whack: as short as 18 days. For about a year and a half I had hot flashes and "frozen shoulder", but both have gone away. Unfortunately the insomnia that started with COVID hasn't. I'm still cycling, but my cycles continue to be unstable since COVID. IDK.

I am looking forward to menopause b/c in my family it brings emotional stability. I want some of that!! !

Good luck with your transition!


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04 Dec 2024, 1:33 pm

I had menopause in December 2007 and had no problems whatsoever. They just stopped. One of the few occasions something has actually gone well for me in life.

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28 Dec 2024, 12:23 pm

Meh, had three regular periods since my last post. Guess AF was just taking a summer vacation. The good thing is I haven't had a hot flash for months. :D

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23 Jan 2025, 8:11 pm

FFS being a woman is ridiculous.
I just went 9 months without menstruating and was sure I was in menopause... then suddenly got another period.


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22 Mar 2025, 8:03 pm

I was perimenopausal at 47 when I needed a hysterectomy which included my ovaries being removed at the same time, so I went into surgical menopause. It was after the surgery that I had hot flashes and night sweats, which was really bad as even in the winter, I'd sleep with the window open and the fan on, yet wake up with my pajamas soaked. Fortunately, it's gotten better after 2 years, but I still have the occasional hot flash.

If the cyst didn't have cancer cells in the fluid, I would have been able to get on HRT, but the surgery got everything in the end, and even though I had chemotherapy as a precaution as recommended by the gynecological oncologist who was my surgeon, I'm still cancer free.