wefunction wrote:
If you don't want kids, you should not have kids. I have four kids. I love my life with them and wouldn't wish it any other way. Some people are overwhelmed with just one kid. Some people have children and resent that poor kid all their lives just for existing because they really didn't want kids. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into pregnancy. This is an issue that should have been made clear before legally marrying your husband and his dismissal of your desire not to have children (and having the stones to argue it, citing logic over a personal, intimate choice of what one does with one's own body) is concerning. He really needs to be made aware that this kind of thing isn't cool.
agreed! Ya this should have been brought up BEFORE marriage. I know a woman who never should have had kids. Her husband presured her into it, and she says everyday (in front of the kids) how she wishes that she never had kids and wondered what her life would have been like if she never had kids. Well it is no suprise that all 3 kids have been arrested for something. Her oldest is so messed up from his crazy childhood that he cant hold down a job, nor live with roomates for more than a few months. Even as an adult, he keeps moving back home because he is so violent and abusive towards others. All 3 of the boys have been on drugs at some point in their life. The mother still wishes she never had kids.
having kids is not a 19 year commitment, it is a lifetime commitment. If you feel that strongly about not having kids then you should never have kids. I am the same way, I dont want kids, they are loud, messy, smelly, and dont understand personal space. I cant stand feces to the point I gag if I smell it. I love kids as little human beings that deserve the best childhood that they can have, which I cannot offer them. I dont want to be responcible for f**king up someone for life, but that would be the end result. My dad did not want to have kids, but mom talked him into it, well 7 years later he gave me up for adoption to my stepfather. I still kept the same mother. See people think that once you have kids that your feelings will change. No they will not.
Some people have a desire to overpopulate the earth with their offspring, others like you have more sense.
The real logic in this situation is you not having kids because you really dont want to. I never seen a mother who did not want to have kids turn out to be the best mother they could be...they usually raised screwed up kids because they knew that they were not wanted.
I was a psychology major in college and I know enough child psychology to know that you and I are not compositionally suited to have children. If we did have kids, then they will be f**ked up for life.
the other logic is that the earth is over populated as it is, why add to it.
If all else fails and he refuses to listen to you, then you should get your tubes tied...that will be the end of the debate.
Ohh and you need to explain your dislike for children to the couselor and I promice she will take your side because chances are see has seen many kids in the mental health system that had mothers and/or fathers that wished they were never born.
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin