I've been especially wary of people my whole life and I never was really attracted to younger men. When I was 13 I had a boyfriend who was 16 (lasted a week). He was my first kiss and first make-out (although I had played dirty games like a lot of young kids do when I was younger than that), it did not end well. I think I really hurt HIS feelings because I see him once in a while still and he won't even look at me if he can help it. Which sucks, I feel badly about it.
When I was 17 I was interested in an 18, almost 19 year old guy, very cute, I thought, and intelligent, thougtful, full of compliments for me and shy, which I like. We did make out for like hours one drunk night (we were with a group of mutual friends). Nothing happened I think a lot of miscommunication, and we were both hurt, I believe, I know I was and I sort of hurt him on purpose. I WAS very confused. Mostly I couldn't ever stand teenage guys; too immature, sexist, dumb (not to be really judgemental, just making a point), and I stayed away.
Since then I had a weird relationship or two. I was mislead really badly one time though. I got out of it but only because I had friends (the only people I thought trustworthy at the time) looking out for me.
For the past five years I've been in a relationship with the same man. Um, I DO find myself somewhat more naive even around guys that he knows, I don't pick up on subtle things and my BF sometimes clues me in later and I'm like "HUH?". But, since my late teens I seem to be able to FEEL any male set of eyes on me and I'm good at knowing when they're checking me out. I really don't like that at all. Not to piss and whine, it is complimentary I suppose but I feel like a piece of meat and what is it with men? I mean, when I like the way someone looks I look, but I don't gawk, I sort of scan them very quickly and that's it. I don't do it very much anyway. Men- they gawk and glare and I feel like bitch-slapping them at times!