Yes. I was sexually abused by a close relative, constantly, from 11 to 15. Finally came out about it at 17, and the entire family rallied around my abuser. Went to court, and he walked free. Cut off my entire family, because I don't need that kind of sickness in my life.
I've moved past it, for the most part, but definitely have trust issues, especially when it comes to anything physical. Hard to know if my issues with touch are in relation to Asperger's, or because of the abuse in my past. I would guess that it's a result of both. I have to have complete trust in the person that I am with, or it just won't work, and I won't want to be touched at all. Thankfully, this doesn't seem to apply to my children, as they are very cuddly! (Although, I admit that after a day where they are extremely needy and want to be held and on me constantly, I do my best, but get sort of "touched out" and overwhelmed by it by the end of the day.)
I think that abuse is the sort of thing that you can learn to move on from. You will never forget. We, as humans, like it or not, are shaped by our experiences--it will always be a part of who you are, of how you came to become the person you are. But that doesn't have to be bad. You may be more caring, more loving, more in tune to other's pain, because you went through it yourself. Again, you will never forget, but you can get to a place where it no longer hurts you.
-- Wherever you go, there you are. --
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