I've never had a problem with men. I never paid any attention to anyone in primary school, then I went to an all-girls secondary school. The only guys I had semi-regular contact with are gay. Plus the majority of my friends from school are gay/bi, so we were just as sexist if not more by the time we got round to six form (which is co-ed)!
And now I'm at uni, I don't talk to anyone except for my boyfriend, who behaves himself very nicely. ^___^
It's weird that you're having a problem with guys, because like I said, my friends and I used to just mock them - the more sexist they were, the more we laughed, and I think most of that came from our sexuality (there were two straight members in my friendship group and they were both semi-tomboys).
A lot of men are sexist, but unconsciously so; they're enacting what they've been taught to enact by our culture. Most have good hearts, even if they're not deep enought to think out the sociology of it all. True misogynists are unplesant to be around, but fairly rare.
I agree. It's really rare to find an NT who isn't unconsciously sexist. Normally things aren't quite as bad if you have someone who's already slightly different (gay, aspie, whatever).
I would be the laziest girl in the world, but it's too much effort.