This is a very important topic. I massively struggle with noticing potential red flags or I try to explain them to myself somehow and analyse them instead of trusting my gut instinct (which - in retrospective - works really well, I just tend to ignore it!). I'm also very vulnerable to any pity play, I try to understand the person, comfort them, show them I care and then SNAP they do something I can't understand that feels bad and confuses me.
I can add a few of my red flags:
- they humiliate you or belittle you in a really sneaky, subtle way, especially when in public or in front of their family or friends
- they make you cry and then laugh at you being such a childish, immature person for crying
- they complain about having to do "menial tasks" in their life which can be anything from cleaning up after themselves to having to do some actual work to earn money. They seek others to do those things for them.
- gaslighting, even when it comes to things of seemingly tiny importance. There are people who get a real kick out of confusing others and making them doubt their perception or memory
- people insisting that you'd change if you really loved them
- people using derogatory language while describing others - that can include exes, their work clients, family, women/men in general, people of different race/political views
- people who joke about horrible things, abuse, tell jokes that are racist or sexist
- people who try to mould you into some kind of "ideal partner", by comparing you with others and criticizing you
- nothing you do is ever good enough for them and they're never satisfied, just want more, more on their terms, push boundaries by eroding them slowly
- they don't appreciate your efforts and work put into the relationship, there's rarely a spontaneous "thank you" or reciprocation, there's a feeling of being taken for granted
Unfortunately many of these red flags only become visible while you're already in a relationship, emotionally attached... do not ignore your gut instinct, ever! Sit down, alone, and think - why am I feeling this tense? why is there a feeling of 'something not right'? Analyse those conversations, ask a friend about what they think of your new boyfriend/girlfriend. Other people's insight is really valuable. My daughter (who's just 12) is a better judge of character than me, when emotions take over. She may say something like "don't you think what he said was creepy?" and it takes me a while to see the creepy factor in it.