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02 Jun 2014, 10:12 pm

Take Zoloft.

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."

- Edgar Allan Poe -


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09 Aug 2014, 2:15 am

Deb1970 wrote:
Take Zoloft.

I was on Zoloft before. I felt great and still wanted sex all the time

Snowy Owl
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09 Aug 2014, 9:15 am

that's a great way to explain it, thnks. i feel ,the same ,since a little time ago, already .and that's true, for me also .

TinyDancer wrote:
zarok wrote:
Not sure if it is ok for a man to post here or not, However I have a friend of mind who is a teen girl and she is a 3rd degree thai chi. She has such good self control that when she gets turned on she can simply ignore it. And then when she gets a bf she goes crazy. I think that if you were to look into an art of self discipline you could do it well. Similar to monks and nuns who pray alot i think yoga or thai chi (as it is also a meditative martial art) would help you greatly.

Yeah there are things online about Eastern thought and sex drive and how people use visualizations of moving their energy up from "down there" into their upper body and mind to stop being horny and instead be really mentally creative.

There is this intense "creative energy" thing and our brains are really poetic and can take pretty much anything and make it about sex, and I think people can have all that energy and think they can only use it on sex. If you're really stupid then you could end up a slave to your sex organs, but if you're intellectually superior, you could find all kinds of ways to metaphorically "make it" with other people. Right now I'm so creative and so intellectually superior that I can visualize the world as one gigantic beautiful complex act of sex, or like one of those French Gothic cathedrals, and then I can say love is all about sex and sex is all love without lying at all. It relieves the tension. Lennon and I get this, but I understand its possible this may not work for everyone because they aren't smart enough.

OK so first you have to accept that the drive is there, then you accept that it is OK and you are not perverted, then if it won't hurt you or anyone else you should enjoy it a little (that's the tricky part though because people get hurt a lot about it because they have attachment issues (which makes no sense to me, but whatever!)), and then you have to move on and decide what to do with "all the extra." You have to be specific about it too. You can't just say you aren't going to masturbate with it. You have to reformat it. And if you could do this very well you could do more great things that other people admire, and then go home and really love yourself completely because even something that primitive and beastly inside you can be turned into good and help other people. ;)

14 Sep 2014, 1:21 pm

Not sure if this will help.


Dr. Franklin D. Lewis, a professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Emory University, reports that camphor aromatherapy was used in Persian folk medicine to reduce sexual response. Camphor, a heavily scented wax derived from evergreen trees in the laurel family, is now used in as an ingredient in over-the-counter medicinal products, such as Vick's Vaporub. A small amount of a camphor-infused product can be placed under the nose or on the chest; this may help to ease muscle tension and reduce sexual desire. Note that camphor causes an intense burning sensation if it is placed on a sensitive area, such as the lips or genitals; its toxicity also makes it unsafe for oral ingestion.

14 Sep 2014, 1:48 pm

Also, can try to avoid eating any food that are aphrodisiac (a food that increases sexual desire), for example, onion, garlic, shallot, chive, leek, ginseng, chocolate, figs, gingko biloba, asparagus, banana (some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance. Not sure how it works on the female body though), etc.

And eat food that are anaphrodisiac, such as coriander, soy products.

Those with a medical condition should check with your doctor what you can eat and what you can't. For eg. Coriander can reduce blood pressure so those with low blood pressure shouldn't take.

Hope this is helpful in some ways.

Emu Egg
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14 Apr 2015, 2:19 am

I just recently started taking Monk's Pepper supplement pills. After taking two or three a day for a week my sex drive has dropped like a rock. I started taking them because my girlfriend has a FAR lower drive than I do. While I want to do it two or three times a week she wants to do it two or three times a year. The sexual frustration would make me depressed and irritable and caused a lot of friction in our relationship. Now I don't care if she ever wants to have sex again! I don't care if ANY girl ever wants to have sex with me. It's like having this two ton monkey lifted off my shoulders.

My sex drive was a curse and I'm finally free! I only wish I'd started taking it years ago. My life would have been so much happier without constantly wanting sex all the time.


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14 Apr 2015, 1:39 pm

Deb1970 wrote:
Take Zoloft.

Lol, yes very effective.


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14 Apr 2015, 1:58 pm

Amity wrote:
Deb1970 wrote:
Take Zoloft.

Lol, yes very effective.

For some, but not all.


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14 Apr 2015, 2:03 pm

IKnowWhoIAmNow wrote:
paula24 wrote:
I also met a nice guy lately, I want to take things slowly cause I really like him but I really feel like I need to get laid, it is driving me crazy.

I would have said "LOL, Welcome to being a Man :)" in reply to such remarks, until I read this thread; I did not truly understand (only kinda sensed, as if through a fog) the idea that women could also experience that dilemma. So you are not stupid and it isn't nonsense; many people want to wait for love but their body wants sex in the meantime.

I guess that, traditionally, men are brought up to think of ourselves as the only ones who have that problem, especially in religious families (I'm an atheist now, but was brought up as a fundamentalist Anglican christian).

It amazes me how prevalent this still is, probably thanks to religious upbringing. It seems to pair up with a belief that women live use their sexuality to manipulate men.


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14 Apr 2015, 2:06 pm

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
Amity wrote:
Deb1970 wrote:
Take Zoloft.

Lol, yes very effective.

For some, but not all.

Of course. It has suppressed mine almost completely, which has been an unexpectedly positive experience. :)

Emu Egg
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15 Jul 2017, 2:23 am

Squishy81 wrote:
I just recently started taking Monk's Pepper supplement pills. After taking two or three a day for a week my sex drive has dropped like a rock. I started taking them because my girlfriend has a FAR lower drive than I do. While I want to do it two or three times a week she wants to do it two or three times a year. The sexual frustration would make me depressed and irritable and caused a lot of friction in our relationship. Now I don't care if she ever wants to have sex again! I don't care if ANY girl ever wants to have sex with me. It's like having this two ton monkey lifted off my shoulders.

My sex drive was a curse and I'm finally free! I only wish I'd started taking it years ago. My life would have been so much happier without constantly wanting sex all the time.

Hiii. So I've made an account in here specially for this hehe.
Squishy, its been 2 years now. How's the Monk's Pepper therapy going? I am asking because I have the same problem you had. I am a male and my sex drive is 'driving' me crazy. How Am I suppose to take that Monk's Pepper? How often and how much? Should I visit a doctor? And if yes - which one? Intern, or urologist or something? Are there any side effects that you noticed?
And maybe someone else had tried this pepper?

Sorry, I've been goggling for like 2 weeks now and I've grew kind a desperate. My sex drive is killing my marriage and making me insane :(