sinsboldly wrote:
poopylungstuffing wrote:
not for me..I like prissy girly men
I was reading an article that mentioned women who have taken The Pill for a long time have settled into a constant 'pregnant' attitude, and are more attracted to nurturing gentle type of men that a woman would want around during that time, and non Pill taking fertile women, forever jerked around by their hormones and pheremones like the virile dominant kind of man.
Until they get pregnant for real, then they want a nester. . .starting the cycle over when they are fertile again.
I thought it interesting.
The time I tried birth control like that, it was the patch and I was only on it for a few months but had awful horrible side effects..I cried every day and I gained a lot of weight... and then after that, my cycle was off kilter for a long while....I am naturally infertile, but I was on the patch "just in case"....I am most likely infertile due either to PCOS or scar tissue from bad teenage abortion.
Anyway, I kinda like effeminate men,,..I don't know why...
my main partner is not effeminate, but he is some variation of the gentle nurturing variety..
My other partner is not the kind I could really imagine being good at raising children,but he is of the AS-ish gender-queer variety...and I find his bi-gendered-ness to be very attractive.
I have an aversion to overly-masculine men, and can hardly see what they might see in a thing I am sorta attracted to in a person is some level of potential compatibility.
My ASish friend has plenty is just distributed in funny ways...he has been balding since high school, has very big well shaped hands...he is very slender like an elf with a tiny girlish waist and he's wiry-muscular....with very little body hair...He is a meticulous bather because he has a full-time day job....but is the sort of person who has very little noticeable body odor anyway....maybe because of his hummingbird metabolism..
anywhoo..he is purdy...