Morgana wrote:
I am thinking about someday writing a book about women and Asperger´s Syndrome- (I figure somebody should, there is far too little known about this subject). So I am in the process of compiling information.
OMG, PLEASE! the world needs this book. It is so crippling to be unable to understand other people well enough to establish and maintain nurturing relationships with them when, as a woman, it is the foremost thing that is demanded of you. The feeling of failure is immense.
I don't believe there are necessarily fewer aspie women than men; i think it can present so differently in women that it eludes diagnosis.
I have read memoirs by autistic women and studied AS as a special interest for the past 8 or 10 years; despite all this, and having one diagnosed family member and several others with obvious traits, it didn't occur to me until recently that i likely have it too.
Since it eluded even me for so long, i haven't even considered whether or not to attempt diagnosis.
EDIT: I discussed the possibility of having AS with my therapist today, expecting that she might be initially baffled by my suspicions. Result: she already suspected it. So maybe diagnosis will not be that difficult, in my case.
Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.
Last edited by katzefrau on 15 Apr 2010, 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.