I have sometimes noticed that women are encouraged to be bitchy when arguing for somene else's opinion. Yet, we seem less encouraged to voice opinions that are original, no matter how calmly they are said. This unconcious social trend is the remnant of older days when we were not allowed to speak.
I have also remarked that aspie women are more likely to have feminist views because we are not confined by ideas of what our personalities should be.
weenewt wrote:
Also men are encouraged to challenge each other and have piss-take banter from a young age, women are expected to be sweet and kind.
There is nothing wrong with being nice and cooperating, but complacency is not a virtue. I am venturing beyond the scope of this thread but, I do not know why so many old social codes had depictions of its "virtous" subjects as being ignorant, meek, and unconditionally happy. Is it because the downtrodden did not have the means to revolt and question the results of collaborating with a sick society?
Besides, the burden of being sweet and patient should not only fall on one person. People should respect each other regardless of what gender they belong to.