MaizeFlower wrote:
I think the thing to be admired here...Is that she was able to become everything. From a fast food worker to an astronaut. Her bland personality that would let little girls plant their own personalities within of her was nice too. She was just a place holder for the imagination that tries to escape to the real world.
Yes I think that is why I played with her a lot. I'm not much into fashion but I still liked dressing her somehow cuz I liked every detail so it was about more than just the clothes.
I did have stuffed animals and played with them as well but not as much as the Barbies. Obviously there was more to her with the clothes accessories and houses. One thing I always really hated though was the male dolls. Ken is fruity as crap (and no I don't mean just gay cuz obv I love gay guys although in this particular scenario would not be good to be gay cuz he's supposed to be with Barbie) I had Elvis dolls to replace him so I used him eventually but it does suck to have the same face for a different boyfriend to a different Barbie. I can't find my fav one anymore. I don't know what happened to it. It was the one with the leather jacket.
Ilovesnails wrote:
Anyone try playing with them after you grew up? I got these ones recently and it's almost like I feel like I forgot how to play with them, quite depressing really. Like my imagination has been sucked out of me during adulthood.
I did. I still have mine but I haven't played with them lately. I wouldn't know how to play with them anymore so they're in my closet. But I am sure my imagination isn't gone haha. I've just "graduated" to Sims or internal fantasizing.