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18 Aug 2011, 10:57 pm

I very rarely have symptoms that I can attribute to PMS, but stress in general makes me worse. Hanging out with my baby niece seems to help, but it could be that I'm projecting based on what I know about oxytocin.


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25 Aug 2011, 2:57 am

Yes, social acceptance reduces my symptoms. Or maybe it's just that I feel less awkward.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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26 Aug 2011, 2:37 am

I'm finding as I get older my fears and anxiety are increasing, I'm developing new phobias.
PMS always makes me a little nutty. I feel off but I have a hard time properly labeling and recognizing feelings. I find a week before my period I feel more emotional which is very agitating because I'm not a very emotional person. I don't understand the feelings I experience so I find them disconcerting. I prefer my usual robot mode.

Once in awhile I have a really good day, I seem to be able to tolerate larger groups of strangers, even make chit chat which is not at all like me. I'm not sure what causes this change. It's pretty infrequent but the how and why of it fascinates me.

Tufted Titmouse
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29 Aug 2011, 2:03 pm

I'm more focused, and less anxious/stressed when I stick to a Primal or Paleo diet. High *natural* fat, moderate protein, NO grains or processed foods (most of my carbs come from sweet potatoes). Very difficult to stick to, but it's well worth it when I can.


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07 Sep 2011, 11:08 pm

^I've found the same too,all raw uncooked foods,fresh vegetable and fruit juices,nuts and seeds for protein,and a lot of water.I've never been so alert,clear headed and perceptive.


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08 Sep 2011, 1:53 am

When things go my way or when I am calm and not hungry, I am normal. Plus when people understand me and my AS was worse in my last two relationships but with my husband it stayed the same. I don't realize how I am with my routines until relationships come and how much alone time I need. I am then reminded about my AS. Plus if any conversations interest me, I am also normal and not so aspie. I can do fine with groups of people if they let me speak and if they speak one at a time and if the conversation is simple.

But when I get stressed out or get anxiety and when I am hungry, my symptoms seem to show and get worse. Same as if I can't control my own environment and if I am not accepted.


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08 Sep 2011, 6:05 am

League_Girl wrote:
When things go my way or when I am calm and not hungry, I am normal. Plus when people understand me and my AS was worse in my last two relationships but with my husband it stayed the same. I don't realize how I am with my routines until relationships come and how much alone time I need. I am then reminded about my AS. Plus if any conversations interest me, I am also normal and not so aspie. I can do fine with groups of people if they let me speak and if they speak one at a time and if the conversation is simple.

But when I get stressed out or get anxiety and when I am hungry, my symptoms seem to show and get worse. Same as if I can't control my own environment and if I am not accepted.

Hunger is a big trigger for me too. I frequently won't know what is wrong with me, and it turns out that I am hungry.

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03 Jul 2012, 1:46 am

Watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer!! She makes me feel so happy, secure and calm! Her voice calms me down and so does looking at her face!! She has a calming look to her like she's saying, "it's ok, don't worry, Buffy's here! I'll slay your fears and demons away!"

Also holding my Buffy doll and the feeling of having her with me! I also like to rant and vent to her, she's a good listener, and I can look her in the eye!

In every generation there is a chosen one
She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness
She is the slayer

Buffy Summers is my heroine and role model forever!! <3

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Snowy Owl
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04 Jul 2012, 7:04 am

My AS symptoms seem to get a bit better if I psych myself up in the morning of a day I have to go out. I have to tell myself things like "I will talk to someone today", "I will contribute to the conversation today", "I will try not to have as much of a poker face today" and "I will try to maintain eye contact today."

I don't imagine that I pass for nuerotypical, even while doing that. But it helps me feel a bit more socially confident, since I'm so used to not saying much and spending a lot of time by myself.

I noticed that someone else posted that they felt worse in the winter. I actually find the opposite and I feel much worse in summer. I really despise hot weather and I'm much more irritable and anti-social in summer. I simply don't have the energy to be be bothered about it.

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13 Jul 2012, 6:39 pm

theslanket wrote:
When I get less sleep or have caffeine, my autistic "symptoms" seem to decrease. I can look people in the eye more, maintain conversation for longer periods and with more people, and react better to changes in plans.

Inversely, when I get depressed I get tunnel vision and my ability to think broadly shuts down.

Does anyone else notice these patterns? Menstrual cycles, substances, food, sleep, age, anything??

PS: I'm a neuroscience major who loves stories. Please lavish me with your details! many aspies seem to love neuroscience! Me, too.

Anyway, great question to prompt some research. There is a strong link between substances we consume and our neurotransmitter levels, which can have great effects on behavior.

For me, green tea and alcohol in moderation really promote GABA, which makes me feel much less anxious and more mellow. Dopamine, too - I feel I can take on more and socialize more.

On the flip side - too much of either, and it's over-anxiousness (from caffeine in green tea) or lowered attention and emotionalism (from alcohol). Always seeking balance here.

Menstrual cycle - oh man, I can get really self-deprecating and weepy prior to, and during, my period. Darn female hormones.

Food? When I balance moderate complex carbs with protein, I get the best results. I work out a lot, so I need a good balance there. Too much or too little of either, and I can be an angry, sad little Jane.

Sleep? Well, I tend to burn the midnight oil, but when I do get optimal sleep, focus improves. Sleep seems to affect my mood less than it just does my mental focus. My attention span goes into the gutter when I don't sleep enough, or when I get fitful sleep. Thankfully, I seem to get fairly regular sleep MOST nights (6-8 hours; can work with 5, but it's harder, and anything less is just Teh Fail).

Age? Tough one. I was much more outgoing as a kid until I developed type 1 diabetes at age 10. I wonder how much that has screwed with my neurotransmitters. I also have Hashimoto's. I withdrew a lot in my teens (my brother died when I was 12, which didn't help). In my twenties, I have gradually started to get a little more outgoing again, but I still need a lot of work.

Hope this helps in some way.

Emu Egg
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01 Aug 2012, 11:18 pm

colazpines, flouride-free water, alcohol , cocaine (although also gets me paranoid and scared), being hungover (also gets me scared and paranoid), a good meal, math problems


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01 Aug 2012, 11:44 pm

Yeah weed, extasy, alcohol, caffeine, opiates...not saying the don't have their down sides but, all of those work quite well. And to some extent acid and mushrooms, except that kind of depends on how the trip goes but a lot of times I feel significantly better for a few weeks after tripping which reduces my symptoms. Keep in mind I do not advise any of the above methods and other than the caffeine and weed I only indulge in the others on occasion.

Other then drugs there's music, a few close friends and family members(except that is becoming less and less helpful because I cannot help thinking I let them down in every way possible by failing at life and that I should leave so I don't trouble them any more, even though I know they'd probably feel bad if I did that) and being in a calm relaxed environment or a natural outside environment preferably away from any towns or cities can be helpful for reduction of symptoms.....but I don't always have access to that.

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18 Sep 2012, 9:56 am

Things that make my AS worse:

lack of sleep (turn into a complete weirdo!)
PMS (extreme emotions, clingy, touchy)
eating crap food (want to be alone)
alcohol (NO FILTER AT ALL!)
heat/humidity (watch out for me having a tantrum)

Things that make my AS better:

alcohol (but only in my drunken mind)
music (only time I feel comfortable and normal)

People do not help me at all, even being around the few folks I feel safe and myself with.

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19 Sep 2012, 3:18 pm

I can't tell really. Depends on my mood. I'm always obsessed with my obsession, no matter what. I always hate loud noises, whether I'm having an ear infection causing deafness or not.
