necroluciferia wrote:
I have never been one for shaving my legs or under-arms. It's not that I have any sensory issue surrounding it but I just never saw the point to it. My mother used to hassle me to shave when she saw I had hairy armpits but it just made me angry. I think I hate the cultural expectation that women should be completely hairless and child-like in order to be deemed attractive.
I've always had a problem regularly brushing my teeth, I have no idea why but when I sink into depression it is the first part of my routine to go.
Aside from that I really can't stand feeling dirty. I love having baths and grooming myself and making myself smell nice.
You just totally described me... 100%
Good to know it isn't just me. I avoid tanks and shorts a lot, because I dislike shaving. With me as well, it's not a sensory thing, but more of a laziness thing. The teeth brushing thing, same way. Sometimes it's not even when I get depressed, usually just because I get busy and say screw it. One thing that's helping me now is that I started selling Avon... and of course the first thing I bought myself was hair removal cream. It worked so I just got three more bottles LOL. Easier than shaving, though I will say I will probably neglect that too because it's weird sitting there for ten minutes not moving my legs LOL. Same as you, I like to smell good though... I guess the best way to sum everything up is that in a lot of ways I'm the typical little girly girl, but routine in these areas are hard for me, I get bored with the whole, shave, makeup, white teeth, whatever type of s**t.