crayonfish2 wrote:
hey sorry to just butt in where i dont belong(im a guy
) but i couldnt help noticing it to be honest if u always look mad or upset to people(im diagnosed and i can tell sometimes) they may try to steer clear of u which knowing how lonely it can be to be an aspie means it'll just make it harder to make friends later on. try to have a little more humor in or life and try to be cheery. if u have a hard time just think of all the things u have going for u try to put on a smile (even if its fake) and people with be more social towards u. i used to not be so cheerful and i know how we get our emotions off of others examples i found some thing that works usually i just watch anime cartoons like japanese with english subs i know it may sound weird but it helps. by the way when guys see a girl who always looks sad or mad they figure that ull have low self esteem and will see u as "easy pickin's" for getting u to do what they want. we kinda think hey she looks sad maybe she has problems at home or some where else so this is my chance to swoop in," he sees ill go to her get to know her and get her to open up she sees me as her main person for her problem she'll trust me more and i get to try to have a lustful relationship with her". trust me its how guys see it how do i know ive tried it (being an aspie ive failed but seen it work ). during highschool guys say forever they mean till i graduate and leave.
again sorry to but in but i figured it would help to let u ladies know btw im only 16 going on 17
A lot of us have already pointed out that even if we are thinking happy thoughts, they are not reflected on our faces! It is the Aspie brain at fault, and not us. We cannot help it. I have found that when I put a fake smile on my face, it looks like a grimace and is rarely reciprocated.
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner