Yes, what's wrong with that? Not getting at the OP, just annoyed with the mainstream expectation from the general population (it rhymes!)
I don't like Japanese cartoons, but I do like animated Disney films, and also things like Tom and Jerry and Looney Tunes. I like the Simpsons and South Park too, but they are the types of cartoons what kids love but adults who openly say they enjoy them are still socially accepted (at least where I come from anyway).
I am suddenly into a British cartoon I watch on Youtube called Horrid Henry. Although it's a children's programme, I currently enjoy it. It's just about a little boy who is naughty, and has a goodie-goodie for a younger brother. But what I like most about it is it's typical family life, and never goes too far-fetched.
Sometimes the Simpsons can get a bit far-fetched, although I still enjoy it because it's the Simpsons and it's a different set-out from Horrid Henry. But episodes like ''The Joy of Sect'' where the whole town get brainwashed by these leaders, is a bit far-fetched. Also some newer South Park episodes go a bit far-fetched where Butters suddenly conforms with the rest of the kids and is rather popular, when for a while he was considered ''the weird kid with no friends'', and I was convinced he's an Aspie until the newer episodes. I think Matt and Trey should have maintained his uniqueness in his character throughout.
By the way the Treehouse of Horror Simpsons episodes are allowed to be far-fetched.