My periods used to be so bad I was bedridden for the first two days. Forget crawling on the floor; collapsing in agony on the bed is more like it. Also, ovulation was so agonisingly painful that I could not walk very far at all without being overcome with nausea and agonising pain.
It took me years and years to realise that it was ovulation that was causing the pain, though. Whenever I ovulated, it was like I was dying from appendicitis or somehting, so I began to think I must have a grumbling appendix, because the pain kept coming back every now and then (every month - duh! I should have known!) The weird thing was, my "appendix" mysteriously shifted itself from one side to the other every month because, of course, your ovaries are on two different sides. You ovulate from a different one each time.
I didn't know until a few years ago that the pain was ovulation because I had always thought that ovulation was supposed to be painless and happen without me even knowing. Well, in my case, it didn't.
Whichever side I was ovulating from would be so horrifically painful that taking a step forwards with the leg on that side would be like tearing my insides apart. This would mean I could only try and walk round incredibly slowly, by advancing with steps forwards on the other leg, and dragging the leg on the ovulating side behind me.
I do not know why it was getting so bad but I was beginning to think I must have endometriosis. Rather than getting better with age, all of this was getting worse. However, I fixed all that by taking a supplement called Diatomaceous Earth.
I am sorry to sound like an advertisment but I take a few spoonfuls every day, and no more ovulation pain, hardly any cramps at all. My period pains were reduced by about 80 or 90% and my IBS was cured as well. It really is that good. I hardly ever have to take painkillers now. Before, I would be guzzling them down two at once!
In summary: if you've got this awful pain, try googling "Diatomaceous Earth menstrual cramps" to find out more about how it can help the awful pain go away without having to take nasty artificial hormones.
I am always telling everyone about it now, and urging them to try it out, because I know how miserable the pain was for me, and don't want anyone to be going through that needlessly when they could just be taking some DE and making themselves better.