shadexiii wrote:
jonathandoors wrote:
hale_bopp wrote:
He seems to have an unhealthy preoccupation with a lot of things. It scares me.
Uh, this is an Aspie forum. Perhaps you do not belong here? Kirina Kosage is an Aspie woman with a preoccupation with serial killers and Nazi medical experiments.
Anyhow, I think if you don't banned EmilyB she could post herself.
People don't have to like someone's obsessions, as long as they can appreciate the situation of having obsessions. I can appreciate someone having "odd" or "scary" obsessions. I don't have to appreciate the obsessions themselves. If you do, in fact, obsess over some of these things, so be it. Be sensible though, would you be perfectly fine with someone having an obsession that made you uncomfortable?
Attacking someone as "not belonging" simply because they aren't in agreement with you is entirely unreasonable.
Anyone who violates forum rules should be banned from this forum. Here are the forum rules:
2. Personal attacks.
This includes insinuation, ridicule and personal insults, regardless of whether direct or indirect. Attacking an opinion, belief or philosophy is acceptable, but attacking the person making the comments is not.
hale_bopp remarks "He seems to have an unhealthy preoccupation with a lot of things"
Insinuating that asking a question is somehow an unhealthy obsession is a personal attack and violate forum rules.